This is neat, and surprisingly cheap too. Instead of just being a panel indicator light it also displays the supply voltage. That's a very nice solution for quick diagnostics. The quality of construction seems OK. Very simple and well rated components for standard mains voltages, although the sense resistor may not be rated for the higher phase to phase voltages.
Power dissipation is low at about half a watt with predictably poor power factor (0.07) because of the simple capacitive dropper and low circuit voltage. There's no significant heat being dissipated on the PCB.
The music track referenced is an old fairground classic called Dominator:-
Carl Cox mix:-
Here's a universal ebay search link for the meters:-
If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:-
This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's advertising algorithms allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty.
Power dissipation is low at about half a watt with predictably poor power factor (0.07) because of the simple capacitive dropper and low circuit voltage. There's no significant heat being dissipated on the PCB.
The music track referenced is an old fairground classic called Dominator:-
Carl Cox mix:-
Here's a universal ebay search link for the meters:-
If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:-
This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's advertising algorithms allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty.
Some noname-dedicated ic. Its a so-14 package, the 1st and 14th leg ment for power supply (+5v) and a common ground. And the 9th leg appear to be adc input with internal reference of 1.1 volts. Easyly can be converted to dc ampere meter.
Bought the AC version instead of DC lol, could they still be used to test DC ? 🙂 thx !
Amazing my friend ♥♥♥♥♥
Nice to meet you ♥♥♥♥♥
Best wishes for you ♥♥♥♥♥
Keep it up ………. ♥♥♥♥♥
I was seeking for this video. My 4 digital LED indicator stopped working. Dont know what gone wrong.
If I have this in circuit always on, will it draw power and reduce my DC output. If so, by how much. I need to maintain a certain voltage.
I've got a version of those that plugs into a car cigarette lighter socket, which costed a whole £3 including postage from China. I use it to keep a rough check on my car battery state of charge (my car has a smart charging system, and swaps from circa. 14.4 volt when actually charging the battery, to 12.3V when its fully charged and being floated).
Only using the car once a week due to Covid lockdown etc., and was surprised to see that it takes well over half an hour to charge the battery after the long shut down period.
@bigclivedotcom I didn't see it asked in the other comments, but did you test the current draw of the meters? It would be nice to have a rough idea how much they would cost to operate…
Weird question, could I use one of these to monitor the current going to a large dc motor? Connecting it between the input and output?
was looking for a mini VDC gauge ……. so using your info found the DC versions thanks mate
Bought one of these a while back, due to the numerous power failures we experience (and an even more important reason! (Long story, won't go into it here)), and connected it to the incoming feed of the earth leakage.
It works like a charm, as I can now just glance over at the DB Board and see if they have granted us the Privelage of municipal power that we pay for every month, but hardly get.
That Carl Cox remix is bangin'
Any mod to measure voltages starting from 0V?
That ebay seller is very famous i buy it them some electronics several years ago.
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