I quite like this lamp. OK, it has it's weak points. Efficiency for a start, since the LEDs appear to be low output. But it has this strange short body for what appears to be a GU10 base mains lamp. That's what probably caught my eye when I bought it. But it also limits it's applications, since it's not as long as a proper GU10 lamp and will not fit some fixtures.
The body seems to be styled on a low voltage MR16 style bi-pin lamp, and it certainly has the option in the plastic moulding for those pins. But it doubles up as a GU10 base too.
the circuitry inside is actually quite acceptable. The capacitive dropper is a different, but very logical layout, and it looks neat as a result. The power supply PCB is loose behind the LED PCB which just clips into two ridges on each side of the casing. There's also a diffused cover (which does the efficiency no favours) that provides a nice flush domed front and also prevents contact with the live LED PCB. The cover is glued on at the edges.
The body seems to be styled on a low voltage MR16 style bi-pin lamp, and it certainly has the option in the plastic moulding for those pins. But it doubles up as a GU10 base too.
the circuitry inside is actually quite acceptable. The capacitive dropper is a different, but very logical layout, and it looks neat as a result. The power supply PCB is loose behind the LED PCB which just clips into two ridges on each side of the casing. There's also a diffused cover (which does the efficiency no favours) that provides a nice flush domed front and also prevents contact with the live LED PCB. The cover is glued on at the edges.