If you've always wanted a string of lemon-yellow LEDs then Poundstretcher has them for you, although they do describe it as gold light. It's odd, because Poundstretcher actually has some very distinctive and nice solar stuff, but this set is maybe just skimping on the costs just a bit too much.
Beyond the colour, the amount of silicon on the solar panel is strangely minimal. The case does have the places for three AA cells, so maybe this is an evolution from an older system with three NiMh cells in series being charged by more silicon sections. Only one of the positions has contacts.
The unit does charge the NiMh cell (not the solar cell as I said in the video) even when the switch is off, which is a useful feature if you want to "save up sunshine" and run the lights longer when you need them.
Not great, but if you REALLY love lemon yellow then it might be perfect for you, either as the full set or as a source of the LED string alone.
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Uh yes, it's time for another episode of Unbox Tragedy with pound stretchers 70 Fury Lights Gold light and I do like gold light. To me the tungsten glow is quite nice because I am old. The younger generation probably like Coldplay Christmas lights but I don't but look how glary this is. This is a very glittery uh place to film.

not to worry. So it starts looking promising with this big huge silver panel. That's nice and you pull it out and you realize that the big huge solar panel has very little actual silicon on it. It's like absolutely microscopic.

What would these be rated about 50 milliamps at Uh for charging the nickel metal hydraulic cell. Talk about nickel metal hydrated cell. This one is apparently rated 600 milliampere, which is quite good. and technically speaking, on a good day, it may even put a decent charge into it.

However, here are the: LEDs I'm not sure this is going to show. let's turn it on and look at this amazing Golden Globe Which is lemon yellow. Literally, it looks like a freaking lemon. It is a harsh cold phosphor yellow that is not a Golden Globe.

But nonetheless, let us open this up and explore inside and see if it contains the usual little four pin chip. I think I've been duped by these as well in the past. Maybe I should actually just pop The Box Open in the shop, turn them on and take a look at the color before buying them because I can't think of an application that you'd want to use. Limoncello yellow.

It might suit some venues. some people may be saying I love yellow and those lights are going to be my go-to lights. Good for you, You choose the color you like. Here is the circuit board.

It's held in place by a couple of screws. one just rammed in at a funny angle part of the way to the switch and the other one. Let's Zoom down this a little bit zoom and the other one here. Can you tell? I was slightly disappointed and I got these? Yes! I was uh, here it is.

It's the classic four pin chip. the little inductor. Um, hold on, let me grab my magnifying glass one moment. Let's Zoom down onto that little inductor which is blue, gray, black, blue, gray, black.

which means uh, six, eight and a zero as a multiplier. So that's six to each micro henries, which is actually going to be quite high output it is driving. These are modest current, so how much charge they're going to get because the amount of charge it gets during the day is going to determine how much it will actually how long it will run these legs. But you know, if you choose to get these, you get your string of sizzling yellow.

LEDs You get a lackluster solar panel. it's also that type. If there's any thermal differential of expansion between the silicon and the uh, the resin and the plastic, it can actually cause it to flag some crack. The Silicon have come across that plaster.

at the very least, it will delaminate over time. but this little circuit board here is actually quite nice and chunky. It's the basically speaking what this does. it does the charging of the cell.
very simple. a diode, basically the monitor of cell voltage, the monitoring of the power coming from the solar panel. I've shown the circuit so many times the past and it when it detects The Dusk with the voltage from the solar panel dropping, it starts pulsing this inductor and that steps of all the Java adds on to the nickel metal hydride sound that drives the LEDs until it reaches a point at the cell. voltage drops to about one volt and then it'll cut them off because it knows the cell is completely discharged and the switch.

the switch looks to be as I was going to say. the switch looks to be. well, that's hard. Slightly different configuration from normalized.

The black is going via the So, the black is going through the sort of the little charge socket here, but the Reds look common and they're going via the switch. Does that mean that even the Switched Off it's putting a charge into the cell? I Think that does mean it's putting a charge into the cell even if it's Switched Off If it does, that is quite a nice feature. Maybe I should have checked that there is no sunshine. Not ideal for check it right now.

Actually, you know what? I will check it right now one moment, please. and testing. Uh, switch in one position current flew into solar panel switch, another position current still flowing into solar panels so it does actually keep charging. Uh, even when this is turned off.

So that's quite useful to know. Uh, But there we have it. The slightly lackluster, but may appeal to some uh, solar lights from Poundstretcher? Not something? I choose myself I can't really think of Britain Well, I can't really appreciate this particular color. Golden white as promised in the packaging would have been much nicer, but to some people that may be the color that they're absolutely looking for.

And those people, this will be a win. Uh, you can also update this: You can chop this string of lights off. You can add them to something beefier if you wish. If you wish your lights to run longer at night time,.

12 thoughts on “Solar unbox-tragedy with gold light leds”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars condew says:

    This product confirms my take on Chinese manufacturing: The workers are competent and can make excellent products when managed by foreign firms with good quality control; but Chinese management has no standards and no self-control. Obviously this product has suffered several rounds of cost cutting; but hey, those stupid westerners will buy anything.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matheus Moreira says:

    Looks more like a "golden shower light" than a "gold light". Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars realvanman1 says:

    "Lemon Yellow"… Very generous of you! I immediately thought of "Bowl of Urine Yellow"! There is no valid reason that incandescent Christmas lights should not still be available for those who prefer them. Same with ordinary light bulbs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gworx says:

    👍 👍 👍

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John the Fact Fddict says:

    I am only 28 and cold white(daylight) can suck my dick
    I was born just before the days of CFL bulbs, but after schools had basically FL bulbs in every spot possible, so I know what cold white is like, it gave me way more headaches and discomfort than I ever got at home or even outside
    when the CFL came out they were mostly warm clones as they intended to duplicated tungsten, and I was 100% fine with that, though colors looked odd with some bulbs

    now there is a SMALL place for cold white, NEVER decoration lights you heathens, it is workshops or the vanity lights in a bathroom(area where you shower/do hair) it is a great temperature for when ability to see details overrides comfort

    the main light should still be warm white, and absolutely no normal spaces should be anything but warm white, as it actually causes more struggle for humans, especially the higher frequency issues with sleep patterns

    cold white holiday lights? destroy them
    cold white bedside lights? don't even accept they exist let alone waste your money on them
    cold white nightlights? if they came free with a "home energy efficiency package" just throw them out and grab a warm-white version

    cold white should never be the default, it should be a carefully chosen exception when a specific area of a specific place needs extra light to ensure proper vision, if cold white is used outside of those scenarios(or at absolute worst used in a sleeping area in a device that is on when the main lights are off) the excess blue/violet/uv bands in the light will disrupt proper sleep, make it difficult to relieve yourself and return to sleep, and will ultimately cause headaches that have no rational cause

    in fact I have some bright-ass green indicators on a power strip in my bedroom, it had one security screw to make it hard to open, but I opened it because it showed up at my door and I wasn't sure if a neighbor was just being helpful and gifted it to me(they did) so I had to ensure it wasn't some discreet spying thing

    I will be opening that strip again as it is the brightest object in my bedroom and can sometimes make it hard to sleep(though the laptop power bank has the worst cold-white indicators during recharging at least those and be shoved near something to block the light)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas says:

    So if they would have fully populated that solar panel and put in all three AAs, this would be a good light if you like the color. I can't help but think fully populating it and selling it at a higher price would have been a better idea than the basement bargain edition…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ManWithBeard1990 says:

    I wonder how many of these are being manufactured. It's not upsetting to me that the solar panel is so lackluster or it only takes a single cell; I'm sure someone somewhere has a use for that but really, the housing has no business being that big. It's a waste of plastic.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pulsecodemodulated says:

    On a related note, I found an actual set of classic series-wired 20 x 12v / 1.1W filament bulb fairy lights at my local corner store for the princely sum of $4.50 Australian (about 2.33 GBP). They are now hanging from a curtain box in my bedroom and are wired to an Ikea dimmer. Best nightlight ever – so cosy and warm.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Müller says:

    Didn't the manufacturer specifically call it gold not amber? Catching colour on camera is quite hard, but it looks much more like gold then anything else

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 6yjjk says:

    Perfect lighting for your lemon party.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XSportSeeker says:

    They stretched the pound too thin… xD

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Bak says:

    Seen directly they may be lemon yellow. Seen from the vid they are a gold colour. I prefer soft lights but then the gold effect would be lost.

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