A very basic unit with minimal electronics and a simple three position switch. Off, Low and High.
I was hoping this unit would contain an ioniser module, and it turns out to have a proper bipolar ioniser module in it, with both positive and negative ion emitters in a very basic configuration.
Ionisers like this emulate a natural outdoor process where environmental factors like wind, rain and sunshine cause electrostatic effects that disassociate air molecules, causing them to form into short-lived molecules that seek stability again by interacting with airborne contaminants.
The concept is that indoor air quickly loses those natural active elements, so they are replaced by units like this using electrostatic effects.
This is a very controversial area of science with some very bold profit-motivated marketing campaigns and commercially biased "research" swamping out the poorly-funded independent scientific research.
The unit has a simple two speed shaded pole fan motor and very little else other than the usual pleated paper filter with a layer of activated carbon mesh.
The simplicity and lack of fancy controls means this type of unit should be fairly reliable. It's possible that the filter is a standard size as used in some vehicles as a cabin filter. The dimensions are 20mm thick and 154mm by 180mm. A quick search on eBay at the time of making this video shows this small and basic filter being sold at a staggering cost of £35 plus shipping. That is over three times the price I was expecting, and similar to the cost of the entire unit. It's reminiscent of the printer industry and its astronomically expensive ink refills.
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Oh, this thing is quite big, but you know we'll still take it apart. It is a Dimplex air purifier with slot in photon. Let's take a look at the photo. No, let's plug it in the first so actually stand it up.

Actually, where's the the air comes out here? right at the top? Oh God it's so big it's not that big, but it's big for the bench. The air comes out here and is sucked in here. so I'll basically just I'll just leave it this way. That's probably the best bet.

I shall plug it in foreign. two positions of the switch. uh, low, high, and off. Well, three positions, then fairly quietish.

Okay, right here. let's unplug it and take it a bit. So I get the feeling this was an eBay purchase. I Get the feeling that the person's selling it had discovered that when you need a new filter for it, it actually costs almost as much as the actual unit itself.

That's what happens. so this filter. It looks very cheap and nasty and it looks as though when it sits in it's a curved filter. It looks as though when it sits in over that that it doesn't necessarily perfectly seal right up to the edge.

It looks like those other air channels in. but I guess most of this stuff will go through. They also give strong warnings not to wash the filters of course. Knox they want you to buy more.

Okay, this is unplugged I Feel I should mention that one two, three, four screws. Let's grab a random screwdriver and stuff it down. There are these anti-tamper screws. They burn, not be empty.

Timbre screws. Um, they're kind of like okay. they are anti-tamper screws. One moment please.

Job done. The anti-tamper screws were anti-tamper but they weren't deep enough to stop me getting an ordinary bit into them. So let's turn this over since I can hear Bradley things now and we'll take this cover off. There's the fan.

Oh, it does have the ionizer. Oh look, that's the cheapest implementation. I've seen a long time. Here's a switch.

All there is a little green neon indicator, but look of it. I think it's green I could plug it on again and see what color it lights up and a big switch. Let's put it to a mid position I wonder if it turns on with it. Even off I shall plug it in.

Don't do this yourself I feel I have to say things at this just in case some people do. there is not lighting. It's lit blue. Actually, it's not a green one.

Okay, it's a little blue indicator. Uh, there is a oh, this capacitor. Maybe for the motor because I can see three wires going to the motor or is that actually selecting? I'll tell you what I'll whip it all out and we can reverse engineer. I'll show you the circuit diagram of how this is wired one moment please.

Okay, reverse engineering is complete. Let's explore. Very straightforward as you'd expect, the switch has eight contacts and it's got two bridging pieces that slide across those contacts and the weather arranged. and I can show you that afterwards I Can show you that right now.
In fact, I'll show you it right now. Here are the three positions they have across those contacts. The live is bridged to these three pins here and in the off position, the slated contacts are Bridging the actually bridging connections, but they're not actually used so they're bridging over to these unused connections so the unit is off. When you switch it to the low setting, it Bridges live over to the motor low, but it also Bridges live over to the indicator and ionizer section of the circuit board when you switch it to high.

Because of the range of the pins here, it still Powers the indicator and ionizer section. but now it switches the power over to the motor high setting. so it's really just alternating between motor low and motor high. but powering this section all the time.

Very straightforward, actually. quite nice. Simple new electronics. Let's actually Zoom down this a bit.

So this is the section that powers things like the indicators and the ionizer. so in either of those positions that will switch will be on and we have a 479 of fire capacitor purely for interference suppression purposes. The the motor will not be making any noise electrically. so the only thing I can think that's for is the ionizer module which is a I wouldn't expect to be that electrically noise although these things do tend to charge, pass, drop, and then dump it, but usually is a resistor and input just to charge that capacitor up.

So I wouldn't really think I think that's quite a generous size capacitor for that, it has two one Mega Ohm discharge resistors across it, probably because of its size. Just to make sure when you unplug it from the wall, you can get a tingle off the pins. We have a 220 key resistor in series with this little blue indicator light here which has a light guide on the switch that will just basically cast some light into this that will be conducted along to the the output regardless of the position it's in. And then we have the ionizer module which had the most intriguing way I've seen it.

I Don't like the fact that this is quite a high voltage between these wires and they've just basically twist them together I'd rather keep them separate and as short as possible I like the fact that they basically just Hot Melt glued them in and just split them apart and this is a bipolar ionizer. This will be charged negatively about three to four thousand volts and this will be positive three to four thousand volts and the result is that you will get a slight Corona discharge between them and it will create active air components. This is where all the Karens that are saying oh, ozones poisonous Uh, they probably don't know there's a unit right next and producing Trace levels of ozone. But to put things into perspective here, it's the equivalent note.

Let me show you what it's equivalent of one moment. Okay, let's put things into perspective about what they're claiming about the ozone. Here, they're claiming that ozone is really harmful and toxic. Just like this caffeine.
You see, this is a bag of 100 grams of pure caffeine. Don't buy this. It's kind of. It's not a good idea.

It's extremely toxic pure caffeine and the recommended daily dose of this is 200 milligrams a day. That's fifth of a gram, which means this is 500 Days This is over a year's supply of caffeine, and if you just put a spoonful of this in your drink, you might actually die. It's quite toxic so that that would be toxic, right? This is the actual amount of ozone that is put out These by these units, it puts out ambient outdoor natural levels equivalent to a coffee pod for your coffee maker. I Hope that puts things into perspective for the Karens.

It's not harmful. It's actually recreates essential parts of outdoor air indoors. and that's why the air smells so fresh now now that we're past that. But that was a mini rant, by the way.

It annoys me when people automatically say these things are I put out toxic levels of ozone. They're so wrong. I Don't know where that misinformation came from, presumably gossip magazines and fashionistas. But anyway, let's get back to the subject in hand.

Uh, when that's powered up it Powers up the power, the interference pressure capacitor, the neon indicator well, it's not knee and it's the little blue indicator and the little ionizer module that creates a very slight Corona discharge and put sounds into the air and helps cleanse it. Uh, removing impurities, remove smells. But when you switch it on, as well as turning this slip section on, it selects either low or high. The motor is a shaded pole motor.

This is the Shaded pole motor I'll explain that in a moment and it's got a tapped winding. It's got 631 ohms and then it's got an extra 143 ohms. The 631 Ohms is the high setting because the most current will flow and it will create the strongest rotation. and if you switch in the low setting, it adds a bit of resistance for a total of 774 ohms and it runs slower.

Okay, let's take a look at the motor. The fan mounts the motor with the usual sort of grippy bit here, with a spring over it. a very hard to remove I Had to literally spirally remove this just to get this off. Um, and then it came off easy enough.

The motor is very simple. that's why they use these. It's extremely simple. a simple induction motor.

Let's take a look at the construction of that and how they create rotation without any sort of capacitors and stuff like that. And the answer is very simple. These represent the windings and there is the outer chassis which is a magnetically conducting of the fields. And then there are two poles on either side of the rotating core which has a series of striped poles on it.

If we can take a look down here, you'll see there's a little extra Gap Can you see that little Gap There That is because down there I Don't know if I can light this by shiny light? right down onto it. Can you see the slight hint of copper down there? I Know you can't There's a hint of cover. Uh, there is a little copper loop around one pole there and one pole there. And because of that shaded pole as they call it, it causes the because it's inducing current in that Loop It causes a phase shift and that creates the rotating field that can actually spin that Hub in the middle.
So that is it. It's a very straightforward uh, let's brighten this up a bit. Let's brighten it up. There we go.

It's a very straightforward unit, nothing too sophisticated. It wins. Lots of points for having one of these bipolar ionizers, And unexpected, this is the ones that uh, Sharp sells as plasma cluster ionizers, but everybody else is using different names into the case of her hair in the case of Dimplex I Don't even know if they mentioned it at all. Did he mention it? I Don't know if they do, but it helps purify the air better.

It doesn't actually have an effect, just basically change the state of organic impurities. Uh, that just leaves the filter. It claimed a carbon layer in this I'm guessing it's under this. Keep in mind that this has been in someone's house and it's full of their their skanky, covety type stuff.

probably. Here's the there is there's the carbon fiber. So we've got the outer layer, the first layer to take General dart out, Then we've got the carbon fiber layer here and then it's straight down after that into the into the pleated HEPA filter which is just a fine filter. And contrary to them saying that you can't wash this as far as I'm concerned, you can get a bit of extra use out of it by running it under the tap in the opposite.

the ear would normally come from this side. so by running it under the tap with a bit of soap and stuff like that, it will wash any impurities back out the filter and from the side they came in and you can get extra use out of it because uh, generally speaking people buy these ads probably have. In this case, they find the filters are really expensive and then they just put on eBay or bin it. But there we go.

Uh, in short, that was not too bad. Uh unit. It had all the requirements. it had the fan for blowing them up there through a couple of speeds at the replaceable filter and it had the active air regenerator device and a little blue indicator.

That's nice, but there we have it. the um, the Dimplex Mini HEPA air filter. Quite nice. Quite nice put together.

12 thoughts on “Simple hepa air cleaner teardown”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sod Almighty says:

    "Oh! It's so big!" — Big Clive, 2023

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cavey Möth says:

    These air cleaners always look just like the Playstation 5 inside. Or does the PS5 look like an air filter…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mizai says:

    pure caffeine nice😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spider_Boygamz877 says:

    Where can you get this air purifier cuz I want to tear one apart also

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael O says:

    I found out then best filter you can make is 4 standard filters for a central hvac system and a box fan on top. Effective and uses cheap mass produced filters. If you want to get fancy you can also make a frame where the filters can slide in and out by using some unistrut.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Belding says:

    BTW- that filter is pretty much the same size as a standard Toyota cabin air filter.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hotwill100 says:

    The warnings to not wash the filters are usually because there's a cloth and paper build. The paper would just fall apart.

    I love my Miko Ibuki air filter because it's only $25 for a replacement filter with the unit at $70(sometimes on sale) lovely little filter would be a interesting yet teardown

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clorox Bleach says:

    Shaded pole motors are the crappiest with their low efficiency and low torque, especially paired to a centrifugal-style blower like that, which requires far more torque than an axial fan. The fan design is pretty interesting though

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Kane says:

    "Oh god that is so big." I'm 99,9% sure Clive has said that exact sentence using the same squirmy, scared voice at a totally different occasion, not going into details here.. yeahhhh…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phonotical says:

    100g caffeine, would kill you 🤣
    … Maybe I need to get some

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phonotical says:

    Ioniser so small, is it really effective?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Eckelkamp says:

    Something that Clive says is nicely put together is pure gold. You can take that to the bank

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