I was expecting this unit to be based on a single motor driving a separate fluid pump and aeration system. But they've got a very clever pump system that combines the two into one.
The infrared sensor seems to put out four pulses a second. I didn't reverse engineer the op-amp section because I have a feeling that it may just be a pre-filter and amplifier, with the microcontroller processing the resultant voltage level via an analogue input.
On eBay this type of unit has the description:-
350ml Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser Infrared Motion Sensor Touchless Hand Washer
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The infrared sensor seems to put out four pulses a second. I didn't reverse engineer the op-amp section because I have a feeling that it may just be a pre-filter and amplifier, with the microcontroller processing the resultant voltage level via an analogue input.
On eBay this type of unit has the description:-
350ml Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser Infrared Motion Sensor Touchless Hand Washer
If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:-
This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's advertising algorithms allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty.
very clever pump system !
Thanks for the tear down.
Hy can you provide it's circuit board gerber file or a clear picture please 🥺
"When this signals back to the processor that mousse is required" lol
I just bought one of these very cheap on eBay, but it wasn't triggering reliably, so I dismantled it. It has a much reduced circuit board, no LM358, but 3 transistors on the IR sub-board. It's working reliably while apart; squirting foam all over my workbench. The foam isn't as moussy as yours, so I'm wondering if they've also cheaped out with the gauze foamer (although it looks the same.
The problem with these is the soap sediments at the bottom after 1 day and the foam starts being runny. You need to stir the reservoir every day to keep the soap mixed well with the water.
My soap dispenser suddenly stopped working. It's was working fine but now the engine is not working. What can I do?
I have several foam dispensers, and most of them stopped pulling the diluted liquid soap after a few uses.
Please make detail video of lm358 section. I want to repeat it. Thanks
i got one from aliexpress. different type. but it doesn't work. i opened it its another system inside. could you help me somehow to fix that?
Thanks for vid Clive. I just bought two of these. Ad didnt sa you needed special foaming liquid. I gonna try your dilution method… Tnx again. Edit…..yep it works fine…..
Whomever invented the "foam dispensers" should be shot…
One of the most frustrating things on the planet, because a double handful of foam ends up being like .003 of a drop of soap, so you have to stand there waiting to get 100x more of it… 😡😡
What the hell was wrong with a drop of soap?!?
Can the "foam adapterr" be bough seperately from somewhere? will need it for a similair project 😀
why is there so many tiny holes in the board?
Just bought that dispenser. Love it. Thanks for the breakdown. Takeaway is don't get any particulates in the soap as they may clog the tiny holes.