I randomly bought this little USB power bank from a shop in the UK called LIDL a while ago, but with my newly aquired USB charge tester I decided to give it a charge capacity test. It came out at a respectable 948mAh suggesting an official rating of around 1000mAh. An internal examination shows that it is indeed fitted with a 1000mAh cell with an older style power control PCB.
It's notable that during the discharge test it did completely kill the load to protect the lithium cell at the lower cut-off point. That makes it better than the usual range of cheap units that do allow over-discharging of the cell.
It's notable that during the discharge test it did completely kill the load to protect the lithium cell at the lower cut-off point. That makes it better than the usual range of cheap units that do allow over-discharging of the cell.
lidl is the most pupular store in my country
I have one of these 🙂
"turns off without a significant load" ….. dont we all
whats best chrger fir an apple iphone please ?
Hey there! The little part marked "4R7" is a 4.7uH ferrite inductor. 😉
Another Chinese product, why there is no "shit" word in the verdict…
Did I just hear the high frequency switcher whistling in your video around 1 minute in?
I think that the thing that you think is a thermister is a SMD inductor.