My bassy voice didn't do this button justice. With a higher pitched voice it's a bit louder, due to the limited frequency spectrum needed to smash 30 seconds of audio into memory.
This video was inspired by Julian Ilett video where he showed some technical goodies he'd ordered online.
You can get these buttons in a variety of colours from AliExpress. They use two AAA cells for power and you can use a built in microphone to record an audio sample of up to thirty seconds, which is then replayed each time you press the button.
The dinky 8 ohm speaker does limit the volume a bit, and there is a distinct hiss over the audio, which may originate from either the microphone or the chip itself.
I drew a blank on the chip when I tried a Google search. I wonder if it's similar to the ISD (Information Storage Devices) ICs that used analogue memory to store sound.
Technically speaking you could just use this as a big button by cutting a track and soldering two wires to the main button switch.
Here's a typical AliExpress listing. The price should be around 4-5£ inclusive of shipping.
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This is quite interesting. It's a speech replay button. Let me elaborate on that. It is indeed a big pink button.

I First saw these on Julian Alex Channel He'd got some from AliExpress and I thought they look quite neat. I shall get one and play with about that and then I thought, well you know what? Let's open it up. so you have a button in the back. You have a microphone position.

You have a small speaker here, possibly potential for scaling things up. although it does have quite a lot of hiss in the background of the audio, but you know what to expect. It's quite cheap, but to record you take it up to your mouth and you press the button when it goes beep beep you uh or is it one bit. you'll find out when I press the button, then you can record a message and then it stores it.

So I'll do that right now. one moment please. One beep and then two beeps and you release it and then it stores that sound sample and if you take the batteries out of it I Don't know if it's got, but we'll find out when we take a look at the surgery. Is it non-volatile memory? I Think it is.

It is. It's not super alert, but it's pretty good. Quite impressive. Oh, and incidentally, it stores 30 seconds of audio, which is quite surprising.

Let's open it. So I've got a guess that we've got a little rubber feet here. Where's our screwdriver and I'll just gouge them out and we'll just get into this and see what's inside. Is it going to be a blob? or is it actually going to be some specific chips? I'm going to guess it's going to be a Blog but I could be wrong and is the storage memory going to be separate? These are very, very sticky rubber feet, right? Let's bring in a smart screwdriver and whip the screws out.

This is when I could zoom down I'll assuming we'll zoom in full stop and I take a picture of the circuit board as I normally do. I bet it's tiny. the screws are out. What we got? What we got? What we got.

One screw still in. That's we got more than I. Was expecting quite a big chip. Also, kind of big housing for the speaker unless it's designed for bigger speakers as well.

and it's a fairly decent sized microphone. This is all unexpected. Uh, radio? Uh, tell what? I shall um, take a picture of this and we can explore it in Greater detail one moment please. Okay, let's explore I'll Zoom down on this so we can get a closer detail.

The power supply comes in and goes straight to the buttons. It also goes to the chip, but there are two positive inputs and two ground or zero volt inputs. I'm guessing one is analog. ground one is Digital Ground Because audio chips tend to do that and each one of them has its own decoupling capacitor of roughly 10 microfarad-ish The only other major circuitry here is the speaker output which is directing the chip and the microphone input which has some circuitry around it which I showed document.

Now there are two resistors I Did experimentally try nudging the value of those resistors to see if it changed the frequency of playback, but the frequency is set inside this chip, so there's no sort of Chip tuning opportunities. The microphone is impressive because it is a full size little dinky 10 millimeter microphone. Pretty good, Uh, quite a generous size. Let's take a look at their schematic.
Anything else on the board that's worth mentioning? Not really. There is something on the schematic that's worth mentioning and it's that hugely angular Lane It was the last line I Drew in the schematic and for some reason it went to an angle I'll just pretend it's some important audio detail. Here are the two double Tripoli cells and uh, there they are going to the positive inputs to chip in pins 1011 with their capacitors I Tried to measure them in circuit. To be honest, all the capacitors measured at seven microfarads I Don't know if that was the circuitry was effect in that or they're just roughly so.

I put 10 as being the closest the useful value for the filtering capacitors. We've got the speaker connector directly to pins 13, 14, and 15 and 16 are the inputs pulled to the zero volt rail. for the play and record buttons. we have the microphone with a connection to the zero volt reel and then there will be a bias voltage probably coming from these resistors here with possibly gain control.

Not sure I wanted to at first if these were some sort of audio filtering, which they probably could well be, but it does look more like a stable Um, perhaps a a stable reference Supply because with these microphones, they kind of act like a variable resistor so you have to provide a bias voltage I'm guessing that's for over the couple of stages of smoothing and filtering and then the it goes back. presumably this is the Um signal back and pin 7 into it I could be wrong there. This filtering almost looks as though it's half in the opposite direction, but the microphone definitely needs biased so not sure that that would to me be the input and these this would be the basically the bias for the Um microphone. That's it.

Everything is done by the chip. It's a completely dedicated, the chip number is Ab22bp and either at zero or an O U, Six, Four, Dash, Four, two A4 I Drew a blank and but that's what often happens to these I Am getting flashbacks to Bible Teddy though as being a similar sounding chip number possibly the same manufacturer maybe not Bible Teddy being a singing Teddy which stored massive quantities of sound Uh, this stores 30 seconds which is pretty good and it does appear to be non-volatile storage. So the unit has a this big button and it has these two Springs The two Springs are to support the sides of the big pink button or whatever color button they put in and there are little indents on the side so it always goes in in a particular orientation. Uh, so if you have text printed on, it'll always stay put and guessing.
That's for the dedicated sound buttons like the fart buttons or whatever. But there we go. Uh, It's a very heavily integrated sound sample chip, which I guess is probably designed for things like greetings cards as well. Very interesting.

Quite a neat chip.

14 thoughts on “Inside a big pink lust button or whatever phrase you wish to use”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe's DIY Lab says:

    I can see it now we shall have a "One moment please …" day. Everyone purchase a push button and record the expression from Clive's videos. Then at an exact day and time, everyone can press their buttons in unison. The world will gasp in anticipation! 😆

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night Cat says:

    Got one of these for my dad, except with the recording/mic taken out & a clock put in, so it speaks the time when you press it. The rest of the unit & board look exactly the same (button is more red than pink though) so I'd say it's just been reflashed. They're much louder when placed on a flat surface since it seems they intend the sound to bounce off that.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Channel 1 Texas says:

    Please know that if there was a button for sale with Clive saying "one moment please" i would buy it immediately

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ymir the Frost Giant says:

    I once worked in a supermarket depot. if you dialled a 4 digit number on any phone and said a message, it would be played back on tannoy speakers right across the depot. I often got it to say "Attention please, attention please… thankyou!'

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domino X says:

    This JL chip reminds me only one… The bluetooth device is ready to pair

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael O says:

    Now hook it up to the audio amp you just tore down. Nothing like 11k hz audio at 100 dB. 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Bailey says:

    This piece of technology reminds me of "Yak Bak" sound recording toys back in the mid 90's!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan E says:

    The new Ralfy clicker? 🥃

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phonotical says:

    But you never noted the resistance of the microphone!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars d. t. says:

    Thank you. Keep working, good luck.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allan {a.k.a. RocKITEman} says:

    I have a couple of 'buttons' like this which play four<?> different pre-recorded versions of comments featuring the word "BULLS**T." 🤭

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic C says:

    Would have been useful if it could spontaneously undress people. 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Quinn says:

    Just bought 8 to repurpose for a quiz buzzer system – I'm just using the swithc and adding an LED to makke it light up too,

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norrotaku says:

    more like big Cl!t

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