These things are all over the usual online selling platforms at the moment, so I thought I'd buy some and explore their mechanism of operation.
It turns out that their mechanism basically involves deception and fraud, so these products are perfectly suited to selling platforms like eBay, Temu, Wish and AliExpress who facilitate the sale of such things.
In reality, the rogue sellers have reimagined just about every dashboard mounting device as the new "molecular microwave de-icer" to cash in on the non technically inclined who are desperate to avoid scraping ice off their windscreens in the morning.
These units do definitely have a molecular effect though. Mainly in the form of emitting chemical aroma molecules that may or may not be nice to breathe.
I'd guess that anyone trying to complain about these to the sellers will be fobbed off with delay tactics and a 50% refund offer as a last resort.
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Let's take a look at some very interesting microwave molecular vehicle deicers and these are units that you put in the dashboard to your vehicle. They have a solar panel on some of them and a spinning alloy plate. and the way they work is that when you put them on your dashboard instead of snow forming in your vehicle. H It keeps it absolutely clear because it uses a thermomagnetic gadolinium alloy to cause molecular agitation outside and inside the vehicle of Airborne water molecules and because they're agitating, they can't form the ice.

And in the case of this one we have, this is one of the most popular. We have the solar panel rotating the fins. We have one encapsulated in plastic to give it a more aesthetic appearance. We have a pure gadolinium crystal in this one on the motor that spins it and in this one, which is the passive type, it's just a grill with a molecular Exciter underneath.

I could see anything alike. I Mean seriously, these are air fresheners they're not going to keep your vehicle free from Ice It's just absolute nonsense that's being printed in these listings. and if you do a search for air freshener, you will find the exact same thing being sold in many other listings. This is just another example of eBay and Alexpress and Teu and Wish and all the other online platforms just basically facilitating fraud.

So here's what actually happens. This is: Uh, Chrome plastic. This is a nice aluminum base. It's actually quite nice.

I think it's an it is Aluminum and uh, there's a motor in here and a solar panel. And because the solar panels connect directly to the motor and the shaft's sticking out, it basically provides the rotation when the Sun Shines on it. but it's strictly. well, it's partly visual.

It's also to partly stir it into the air. and this one comes with a little uh Aroma disc probably with carcinogenic chemicals that doesn't smell very strongly of orange at all. but the idea is you just sit it in there and that's your air freshener. Uh, this one here is my prized possession in all these ones that I bought because there's a huge spelling.

well, a huge translation error in the listing. So here it's called New Vehicle Microwave Molecular Instrument, Aroma Therapy Cup and uh, the aroma. This one. Somehow they've managed to translate it to deforestation and I was a bit disappointed because I wanted my deforestation.

you know, smell of deforestation, but it doesn't. It just smells of sort of plants. Ooh, not. Oh, that's weird, but no sawdust and uh, two-stroke fuel.

So other listings for these, uh, they're basically along the same lines. They're just relisting these air fractions. Vehic Molecular Deicing Instrument Solar Rotating UK it came from China didn't come from the UK and accordingly, because of its new improved functionality, they've increased the price. Uh, this one is quite smart.

Uh, it's got the little motor on the top. It's got a solar panel down here and a fairly neat plastic I'd guess H Rotating sort of futuristic cityscape. but there's no speed regulation. It literally just spins at super high speed.
And because it's not perfectly balanced, it makes of droning noises which I don't really know if you'd want that in your vehicle. the bottom goes off. This is presumably where you put the aroma. Oh, there's it's.

a little wooden disc that must be the one that came with the bottle of. Aroma Let's stick the aroma onto my molecular deicer. Oh, it's blue. Probably got some hideous chemicals in it.

but then again, don't all your fresheners cuz the last thing they do is actually freshen the air. They're air aromatized that just smells like all the others. To be honest, it's just generic chemical. Aroma Uh, this one is all plastic and it just has the little disc at the bottom.

Um, and that that is it. That's really all they are. So if you're tempted to buy one of these to keep your vehicle frost free for winter, uh, save your money. Not unless you want an expensive air freshener, because that is exactly what they are.

And if you really must buy one, at least go for one that's fairly stylish because uh, this one is quite stylish I Do like it or one with an exciting Aroma like deforestation just so you can show all your friends your new deforestation air freshener.

11 thoughts on “How a vehicle molecular de-icer works”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-po7iv4ni3o says:

    I knew you were taking the piss in the intro, but at the same time you still had me hoping that somehow these would actually work 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jamesvandamme7786 says:

    I just bought some peppermint oil to repel rodents. We have hazelnuts in the garden and I found a large pile of them in the engine compartment on the battery. I trap a critter a day, on average, in the garage. Now I need an air freshener, but the devices in your video apparently only work in the UK.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Charlie_Crown says:

    Well done Clive, debunking these modern day snake oil salesmen is an essential, important, public service must these days 🤔😁👍

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bernym4047 says:

    Youtube and the internet is awash with new gadgets. One of the most peddled are DIY money saving heaters made from (amongst other things) plantpots. Apparently they have 'the multi-billion pound heating industry running scared'. My view on these crackpot 'inventions' is that in physics, there are no free lunches.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrDryfield says:

    I think BC has hit upon a new range of Men's Aftershave and Lynx Deodorants.

    Lynx Deforestation
    Lynx Ozone Hole Layer

    Be a man, smell of New Deforestation for that Saw Dust & 2-Stroke feeling

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RolandWolters67 says:

    Can you also do a video on those Magnetic Descaling Devices? So i can point to your video instead of explaining that that is a fraud.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RolandWolters67 says:

    I feel disappointed now

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @garyrumain9808 says:

    But wouldn't any ICE car cause deforestation? EVs too, probably.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BrianSu says:

    I think the best way (untested) to defrost a car if the door still opens is to use a 600 – 800 W oil filled radiator. Just heat it up to max and then unplug it, put it in the cabin and shut the door. The warmed up air inside should be sufficient to melt the ice boundary on the important glass panels just enough that they no longer stick on.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davegem says:

    Sorry I was only half listening, so do I pour the 2 stroke fuel on the car to de-ice it or do I use the chainsaw to remove the ice, I’m little worried about scratching the paint work with the saw if I’m honest, or is that what these gadgets are for, do I content them to saw first to prevent scratching?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HairyDalek says:

    Oooh. A Stargate themed whirly thing!

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