This style of light is commonly available on eBay and other online platforms. This one came from a UK outlet called One Beyond and represents huge value for money just for the components to make a custom light.
Even out the box it is excellent for adding a little extra light at the bench or splashing some ambient light on a wall. In a power outage it would also make a very comforting light when used with a USB power bank.
It's actually worth buying just for the components. The huge lens captures a lot of light from the LED, and the aluminium case provides good heatsinking for your own choice of LED.
You could have a lot of fun just messing around with this and some Luxeon star style LEDs. Note that if using small nuts and bolts to attach the LED to the back with a dab of heatsink compound, it is advised to use insulating washers as otherwise the nuts or bolts can bridge pads on the classic star style LEDs.
The case and lens assembly could make a very interesting project housing. Just be aware that it would probably cause issues if used where sunlight could shine directly into it.
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Temporary filming location so things will look and sound different. Let's take a look at another product from a UK Outlet called One Beion, but this is probably available from other places around the world. And it's the Mood Projection Sunset lamp and it says create an ambient color, mood for your space and enhance the vibe of any self- your live stream and then makes a rather bold claim may help boost mood and improve Sleep Quality Then justifies that by saying it is believed that moodlight like the Sunset lamp can a positive impact on serotonin and melatonin, which could help to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and improve your mood. H That said, the light itself came in At4 for the whole thing, which is just stunning for the components because you can do a lot with this so it comes as the base.

It also came with this in the end, a sort of foam Packer and a sort of like foam pad in the bottom that is self adhesive but that wasn't stuck on I Think that's probably because it might not stick on that. Well, in fact, it would really just be going on to the rim or they'd have to glue this in somehow. But it's quite useful to be honest not to have these because uh, this can actually be repurposed. so the base is steel, the Colum is steel.

They just screw together and then you get this little swivel at the top that allows you to position it uh, at various angles and it would actually make a really good sort of like work light as well by creating a good splash of light. The LED if I can zoom down this Zoom uh. the LED is marked cre I'm not sure how convincing that is, but it's the classic arrangement of an LED at behind the lens and it looks very deep when you do this. It gives a very sort of three-dimensional effect, but it is actually quite shallow on this aluminium head here, so tell you what.

I'm going to change the lighting setup here because this is a black surface. not the best for showing you what it looks like. uh, and I'll show you it lit and then with the color filters they provide one moment, please. So without a filter, it produces a very even wash in the middle, but with that characteristic spectral fringing at the edge.

Quite nice actually. Little sort of rainbow effect and uh, that is quite a bright beam. I'm not sure that what we can work out the power is from the resistor inside and the LED, but even showing across the room, it will create a nice Splash in the wall. and you can because this can be angled, you can point at the ceiling.

Let me show you the other filters in. So here's the yellow filter which gives a nice good even wash for golden yellow but still with that sort of pattering around the edge. But it's the rainbow filtered out so you can still the green. Not much the blue, but you still get a good red.

Let me show you the purple filter. The purple filter is quite a deep color, but you still get the spectral effect at the edge predominantly. now the blue and the red because it is a purple filter. Now we've got a choice of the with the green filters: green with a yellow Dot in the middle and a green with the black dot.
Oh, what the heck! I'll show you them both one moment. I'm not sure how well you'll see this, but this is the green wash. but there is that distinct yellow patch in the middle and you'll be able to see this more when I put the black one in because it's more Vivid at the moment. it's not a huge contrast, the yellow in the middle of the green.

I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but the black one is more distinctive. Let me show you it. So here's the green one with H. It's actually kind of bluish dot in the middle that does project it quite strongly against the ball.

I Don't know why they've done this. I'm not that Keen in this effect, but it doesn't matter because you can just get bits of gel of your own choice. Or as it happens, you can actually put the choice uh of LED in that you want. So let's take a closer look at the head.

how you change the filters and the LED itself. So changing the filter is very easy. You unscrew the front and effectively the lens and the filter then comes out and inside is just the LED at the back with its little resistor and this bit of foam around here. the bit of foam around there is purely to hold this in.

Technically speaking, if you're not going to use these filters, you probably don't need that foam too much unless it's need the lens. Actually, you know what it is needed for the lens, so perhaps keep that in. But let's take a closer look at the LED and how this is so hackable. Because it really is.

It's super. uh, worth it just for the components. I mean for all these components is great for such a customizable item. Let me see how close we can get down to take a look at the Led Super zoomed in because I can.

and the Alum housing here has a recess in the back that is large enough that it looks as though it's designed to take a standard Luxian star. Now, Luxian were one of the first to really introduce the high power LEDs and they're the ones that you you see the classic Chinese bead, LEDs, the one wat and 3w ones and the Little Star housing. they. They kind of pioneered that and were just ripped off rotten by The Usual Suspects.

However, in this case they've used what looks like a ripoff cre I Don't know maybe it is a real cre but there always is that doubt cuz there are so many products just labeled cre routinely but this one is physically glued in. You can see the of silicon glue at the sides but it would be so easy to put the larger one in and maybe even drill some holes through it just to actually Mount The LED in physically either with a small self tappers are better still. little nut and bolt and the cable itself just comes in the side and Taps onto that. Now if you were using a standard LED they have used a actually where's my magnifying glass? Let me just zoom down on that resistor.
It's a 10 Ohm resistor 1 Z and Zer is a multiplier So. Based on that and the fact it's a 5vt supply, the resistance of the cable as well will be a factor, but the LED will drop about 3 volts so that leaves 2 volts across that resistor or less. Uh, that's going to be about 150 to uh 200 milliamps which is a reasonable amount of power for these. Typically you'd run a 1 wat LED at 300 milliamps and but if you wanted to put in a Luxan star in here, you could potentially H just have a separate resistor just external.

You could put the star in. You could have the resistor just hang off the side, a decent wattage resistor uh and then just well use I guess 10 ohm resistor again for that. or if you wanted you could have a resistor off each side with a 4.7 ohm just so there's tun and series the leads tacked onto them bit sleeving but it means that you can actually put in uh, your own choice of LED you could put a blue one a green one although this one, uh with a warm white is actually very good. but it just makes it super customizable.

Let me zoom out here a bit. So in general, uh, this light Just for what you're getting, the base, the stem, the actual aluminum housing, the and the fact it is so hackable and customizable. It's actually a really good light. so um, well worth getting really just for this housing, the cover and the big Bullseye lens uh which just uh, it makes a good comp compliment uh, components to make your own custom light up.

So for uh one and beyond that is yet another win. It's a really good product.

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