What's inside a 360 watt digital amplifier? Besides the air, we have the incoming Supply a bit of filtering and voltage selection. We have a bridge react fire smoothing capacitors. We have the push-pull mosfets for driving this Transformer from a ballast chip which is quite odd. We have rectification and high speed diodes at this side and we also have two voltage Regulators For control signals, we have a ribbon cable taking that high current uh, dual rail Supply across plus the control signals and control Supply Rail And then we've got four transistors under here with a bit of processing circuitry that do all the hard work.
We've got the anti-thump relay here, we've got the speaker output Loop puts here, and we've got the balanced inputs here mainly our pumps just feeding the signal over to this to generate your audio at high power.
How can we have high current in that ribbon cable?
you have no weight behind you thee mo,mentum lacking in your inertia has many before inertia is not hard to achieve 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wise man once told me , if you want to build an amplifier you gather all the components together and tell them they are going to be an oscillator 😂
Doesn't look like much😮
Clive and his band aids.😅
I opened a JBL Basspro today. And came across something i have never seen or heard of. It was a 6.5inch subwoofer with four inputs. All inputs was independent 4ohm. Have you ever heard of this? I know dual coils exist, but 4 inputs to one coil…
It's funny how really good a PC's cheap class D amp sounds.
The B&M Home protect "Solar" spot light is just battery powered.
With a fake solar pane glued on.
I accidentally dropped it and revealed its secrets, theirs no wires going through the case, not even a hole for wires.
The Optic motion sensor does work any more either but did when i first bought it.
Well worth a tare down
Could something like this be made battery powered without using an inverter? For example by using a 20V battery pack for power tools?
What's the thd @ full power?
What's the reading on the chokes
Just curious: why and when is an amplifier called digital?
Thanks for the quick walks through of the Amp Clive.
So was that power supply chip you mention for power factor correction ? I know that laptop power needs to include PF correction well below the power of that amp.
D does not equal Digital.