Here's a link to an upcoming live stream I'll be doing with my brother Ralfy the whisky lovin' undertaker.'>
Here's a link to Joe's gofundme for his son's treatment:-
(It might not work in the UK. It keeps throwing up an error for me - it might be a currency thing.)
Some great channels to check out for trade inspiration:-
MQ Elevators - a Canadian channel showing the daily work of an elevator mechanic. @MQElevators/videos
South main Auto - hang out with Eric as he traces vehicle faults:- @SouthMainAuto/videos
HVACR videos - follow Chris as he repairs commercial equipment:- @HVACRVIDEOS/videos
Michigan Heating Guy - follow Joe as he does home service calls:- @MiHeatingGuy/videos
Here's the creepy video with water splashing everywhere:-
Mouse's Etsy store where he sells his hand-made flashing pins:-
You can download the Gerber manufacturing file for the big supercomputer here:-
(A4 gallium)
Here's the full supercomputer video:-

It's a rare face video from to announce another face video from Big But before we do that, let's have a fireball because that's quite an important aspect of this channel here. So this is the Woer I'm just going to create some fade combustible moose with the woofer and then I'm going to ignite it and go wole. Fireball Oh, it's so Su around here now, but that's what happens. I Also want to show you a gadget that arrived today that I'll be taking apart most likely in a future video.

It's a recent version. This is purple. Uh, if you can probably see it's purple, especially I Go like that. It is purple and it's one of these lamps that has basically lots of individual LEDs in it like Christmas lights and kind of interested to see how the circuitry has changed because I took apart one of the first versions of these a very long time ago and uh, it was quite interesting.

That was based on a capacitor dropper. I'm not sure what this one is based on I'm not sure if it's using the same circuit or little Buck regulator. We'll find out and we take it apart, but that is what it looks like. Isn't that neat? It's smart lamp that came from AliExpress Let me drop that lamp holder down there.

so I will be doing a live stream with my brother Ralphie on Christmas Eve This is something we've done for the last few. Christmases Uh, because it's just kind of started during the pandemic and we've kept doing it. So I'm going to put a link down to that down below. Technically speaking for us, it'll be starting at just about 9:00 5 9? Uh, over at Ralphy's but um, 5 9 is a completely different time where you are in the world if you're not in the UK so there'll be a link down below.

If you click the link, it will give a We countdown timer and it will let you know when that's going to happen. It's just going to be an ambient Chat thing. There is also going to be another live stream tomorrow if you go over to Big CLI Live, but that one with Ralphie will be here. Uh, big Clive live.

If you don't know about it, there is a live stream channel, but uh, it's kind of. It's not like the main channel, it's more relaxed, sort of. bring a drink and snacks and and chat. It's just a weekend thing that just kind of stayed put after originally started in the pandemic.

Now with Christmas coming up, it means that many of those hardworking Americans who work excessive hours. you guys work far too many hours. Uh, really. I hope in the future they start taming those hours back.

CU You don't get enough time to yourself. but um, talking of those American workers, there's a few channels I'd like to recommend that you watch just for entertainment. I'll put links to them below. One of them is Mq elevators, which I've been watching a lot of recently I think that's in Canada it definitely from the accent.

Well look at me looking very Canadian here with the toque and everything, there's South Main Auto which uh, gives you a glimpse of Eric Always very. He's so relaxed about how he does it. He diagnoses really complex electrical faults and if you watch these videos it makes you kind of. You gradually learn without even realizing.
It makes you more confident to do tests on your own vehicle and things like that you wouldn't have considered doing before. There's Hvacr videos with Chris uh which is an excellent. It's following a service engineer doing his maintenance of Rest Strong and commercial building Hbac equipment. and there's Mitchan heating guy that's Joel who basically goes around doing home calls and fixing boilers and heating systems.

And it's interesting. Honestly, when you watch these channels, you're subliminally. you're You're not just getting a nice relaxed feeling that you're just hanging around with someone. it.

Honestly, you subliminar. the information goes in. and you might find after watching these channels if you have an interest in them that when something goes wrong with your eating or whatever, then you might find that you can actually just do a basic repair yourself. Or make sure the people who come and do a repair are kind of doing the right thing.

But um, the other thing can happen. There is if someone young watching it and enjoying these videos might realize that they actually want to make a job. you know they want to get a job, become an apprentice and I totally recommend apprenticeships and Technical trades. um but uh, they might look at that and say you know a quite fancy doing that and when they go for an interview because they've been absorbing so much information without even realizing it, they present themselves well at the interview and they get the job.

This is good. This is very good. Now one of the reasons I mentioned Joe Mitchan Heating Guy is I was watching one of his videos yesterday. It's very interesting I have to say it was slightly scary I've always been paranoid about water ging out of pipes and he was basically taking stuff off under sort of pressure and things that happened.

It was a bit like oh but that's the nature of that job and uh uh it was an interesting video. It was an old really old system and like it was interesting seeing how it all works. but at the end of the video he was talking about the things that are going on and I've known that something's been going on in Joe's life for quite a while. His son Logan got cancer in his leg and I've mentioned this in the previous video but he got cancer in his leg and initially they were talking about amputating a significant portion of his leg.

but what they actually did they went in and I think they cut out a section of bone and put prosthetic bone in there instead to replace that. And with all the chemotherapy and stuff like that, it's the usual situation in America I Just don't get this here. in the UK we have the NHS the National Health Service and the whole point of NHS is to keep the workforce active. You know if if a worker gets injured they'll give them priority attention and get them back up and working because you know it pays for a country to maintain its Workforce So with Joe of course like he's got insurance.
but insurance when something big happens, it doesn't cover everything. and Joe was alluding at then saying it's getting to the point that I don't even know if I'm going to be able to pay the bills anymore because like work has been a bit drier than normal it goes up. it's quite cyclic and he was just. you could see he was stressed out.

So one of the things I'm going to do also down there is I'm going to post a link to Joe's Go Fund me and I'm after this video. I'm going to go and make a donation myself assuming it goes through properly this time cuz the A of Man causes so many problems and things like that. But I'm going to try and make a a decent donation myself to just try and ease Joe and his family over the Christmas season because you know, even if you can spare a couple of dollars, it all adds up. You know, if a lot of us put a few dollars in, it just makes a huge difference.

And right now Joe kind of needs that. Other things: If you're not familiar with this uh, this environment here you may not have seen, you may be wonder what this is. It's a supercomputer that is featured separately on the channel um and the circuit board you can download it as I think I Called it the A4 Gallium just because of a previous project that became the Supercomputer. This is just a 5vt supply.

USB Supply It's running off this power bank here and it's just flashing LEDs diffused flashing LEDs with a resistor per LED and it's an unusually slow Flashing LED but you other panels are made of the fast ones. It's themed on retro supercomputers of Sci-fi This is a supercomputer badge and you can buy these from Mouse Online is Etsy store I'll put a link to that down below flashy things because Mouse thought you know it be quite fun to make some badges that were based on the supercomputer and this was the result. It is quite stylish. He made them in loads of style, stars and stuff that um, but that is more or less it.

Um, this is the end of one year. Next year is the start of a new Year said Clive stating the obvious. But next year could be the year that if you're not happy in an existing job, next year could be the job. You get a trade and if you do get yourself a trade, then you're pretty much set for life no matter what happens.

Uh, apart from medical emergencies? uh, nobody can take your trade off you. You always have a way to make a living and this is important. And I regard programmers is amongst the I I I Put programmers and network uh administrators into the same category as I trade now because that they're essential to society as well. I Mean how would this video be getting to you without those guys? But there we have it.
The Christmas stream is happening. There'll be the usual big cab live stream uh, and the Christmas Eve one. Um, and then it will be Christmas Day and the super antic climax to the Christmas season. But there we have it.

Um, so if you can, uh, go down into down below and if you can make a donation to help Joe I would really appreciate that and I definitely know Joe would appreciate it. So until the live stream I shall catch up with you, then.

13 thoughts on “Christmas live stream link and hard working americans”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mevk1 says:

    Thanks for the car video recommendations Big Guy! You're right how just by watching you can absorb. Gonna take another whack at clearing that damn "money light".

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theeutecticpoint says:

    Clive, you are always "technically speaking"

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @UpLateGeek says:

    Now I'm sorry I skipped this video, since I thought it was just an announcement for the live stream. But I'm glad I came back and watched it for the sake of completeness, because it gave me the opportunity to help out Joe and his son, even if it's only a tiny amount.

    As someone who's also not getting much of a break this Christmas/new year period (just the public holidays), and working extra hours for no good reason (other than project deadlines that always seem to creep forward), I really feel for those hard working Americans. I've taken less than a week of annual leave in the last two years, but kept going with the thought that I could take a month or two off if I had to, and still get paid. I really don't know how they cope with not getting paid time off. It's not like their wages actually make up for it (which is the common argument from those opposed to it in business and political circles).

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RJHElias says:

    Tnx for make us awake Clive, I just donated a few of my "buck`s" to help this young man. Bless you Clive.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SometimeWoodworker says:

    FWIW. From where I am (Thailand) the only way to access the go fund me link is to use a VPN so you seem to be in the USA

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jon-hx7pe says:

    in canada while we do have provincial insurance plans, wait times for specialists are long and many things like drugs are not.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KarldorisLambley says:

    i had an odd thing happen two days ago. i live in a council house in melton area. the local electrical contractors came to sort out my latest certificate of compliance. he asked if i had any problems of late. i said no, other than i had to replace a couple of light switches. he freaked right out, he said i had no right to "self certify". i said i hadn't done this with my switches. i just used them to turn lights on and off. he wasn't mollified. at all. no doubt he found me bothersome and flippant, most do. have i done something wrong? bear in mind i don't own my home, i only rent it. surely a regular joe can fix a footling switch in his drawing room or bathroom? it isnt like i replaced the breaker panel or installed PVs on my roof. what can i do with the mains in my home without falling afoul of rules? was this young shaver full of shit, or did i do something wrong. next i fancy some more sockets in my lab. am i allowed to extend the nearest sockets on the ring-main to where i wish my new sockets to be?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bear6845 says:

    Blimey, Christmas Day viewing, first time I see what he looks like, after years of viewing now and then. All I can say is Phwoaaarrrr. What a Christmas treat!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sillyentz says:

    Clive I want to share with you my Christmas pudding toasting video, but I'm not sure how to

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brently1973 says:

    Next year I want to give up my job of manual labour at a printing plant and use my first year of electrical training at the community college and try to get an apprentice job working at a contractor here in Canada. I am nevertheless nervous about how rough it may be etc.
    Also l had to have hernia surgery here in Canada and yes I was on a waitlist for about 5 months(it was not too serious) but they treated me very well and it didn't cost a thing. I feel great! No more bulge in the groin haha

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Kredo800 says:

    Very unusual to see face video from the person you always only hear. Merry Xmas, thanks for your work!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @goingjag says:

    Made my Joe donation Clive, youโ€™re a good man.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @McTroyd says:

    Our family has been similarly victimized by American "health care," so we're in no position to fiscally help, but I hope this comment conveys our sympathy to Joe & his son's situation. Fun facts we learned this year: In the USA, "disability" doesn't necessarily pay for things that disable your ability to work, and "long term disability" essentially means "unemployment with out-of-pocket insurance." We've hit a lucky break with useful diagnoses and treatments, but it'll be years before we fully right the ship and get out of the medical debt. And our issues don't involve cancer. I shudder to think at what he must have gone through. In the spirit of Christmas, I genuinely hope that cancer stays in remission and his gofundme is successful. ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ‘

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