Make a deadly led toadstool lamp.
A full guide to making your very own electrical deathtrap floral display with dangerously live interchangeable LEDs. This project is…
One moment please…
A full guide to making your very own electrical deathtrap floral display with dangerously live interchangeable LEDs. This project is…
You can drop a dollar into my hopper at This video involves my attempt to work out the wiring…
I made some of these display panels for fun around the year 2000. It's actually quite a neat little circuit…
As often happens, ebay popped up links to several of these units after I'd bought the smaller one. So I…
I'm not very keen on the use of violent inductive loads in laptop or computer USB ports, but this vacuum…
A slightly dubious attempt to test a DIY bubble lamp made out of a repurposed candle lamp filled with (combustible)…
Just in at Poundland (March 2015) and just taken to bits on my workbench.
You've probably seen these tubes without realising it. They are used in Christmas lights (not so much in the UK)…
The majority of electric shocks are painful and surprising, but not fatal. It takes a good electrical contact between two…
Apparently it can only be opened safely by those with no sin.