The unexpectedly traditional Xmas Eve livestream. Note that the time and day will vary depending on your location in the world. The video should show a countdown timer indicating when the stream is going to start.
This will be a live stream, so random inappropriate things might be said. They will just be our outspoken opinions fueled by strong liquor.
You do NOT need a TV licence to view this stream or almost all other YouTube content in the UK.
If sending a superchat, please keep it low, like buying us a drink in a bar.

We go out when the names start shooting up here. Arthur Trz Jackson is here electrical Madness Nick McBay Mark Sunen Rebs Dar Sonan Electric Madness Gra Shaw and a kitty that's playing up quite significantly you little cutie cat. We've got a cat. Look, we've got a cat.

We're using cats in an exploitive manner to promote the channel. Yes, uh, that picture demonstrates that Douglas doesn't look how expected What? But anyway, here we are Ralphie and Clive and Little fluffy. Is it fluffy? It's fluffy. Fluffy's kind of big.

getting bigger. Yes, but not as big as Billy Billy's a monstrous cat. Oh, he's maybe maybe Billy will appear later. We have cat treats to bribe them in, but we've also sprinkled catnip down here.

Yes to, uh, also bribe them in. We're basically pushing drugs on cats. are cat. The cats are not complaining.

Uhh look, it's snowing. it's not too much catnet don't overdose. save some for us. I Tried smoking catnet once you.

It just made me feel sick I thought that it's apparently in the same family as marijuana and I thought I'd try it. It didn't work anyway. Little puss is loving it. It's your sweetheart.

Jerry Christmas Boys indeed. Uh, who's the Scrooge Ralph or Clive it's Ralph is the Scrooge because uh, he's just miserable. But when it comes to penny pinching, it's probably me. Actually, yes, uh, because I'm just non I'm just very Thrifty Yes, Mhm.

It's true. So we are brothers and you're asked to. You're allowed to ask awkward questions. No, yes, you are.

No, that's the best thing. I've smoked catnip nothing S Jones says I think a lot of people have smoked catnip I Also tried smoking tea. the reason I did so. Oh thanks Kenneth uh for your tuni from Canada to say Merry Christmas Much appreciated.

You know what a tuni is. Uh, a tun is a small tune of something. No. a tuni is their currency Is it? Is it right? Are people giving you money for this? They do give us money for this.

I'm going to have to give some to Ralph as well. That's all right son of Jiffy says hello greetings Mr Roger hello give me a little pusat. come and give us a nice big Huggies enjoying a poor of AR These are not lap cats. It' be nice if they jumped up in the lap but they don't they're very.

They're actually basically they're uh, my dusman is the same trousers. they almost Arthur T Jackson except he of the armored panels on the side I've got something like that as well I thought Ralph you a cute kitten. That is the kitten. That's the kitten.

That's the kitten and you want to see the other one. You can tell they both come from a Farm stock because they're enormous. They're muggies. They are.

They're huge. They're monster cats and their monster can be right monster nuisance. By the way, when they want to play and they get their claws out and they stick their claws in or else another game they play is trippy upy you has that experience. Little fluff just likes to get under your your ankles.
Thank you Digital Mermaid. Much appreciated. Here's a Canadian tuni for Ralph Balance. Now you've got a Tuni! Oh thank you so much And Thunderus Queer? uh thank you for that contribution as well.

Much appreciated Loving the tree Ralphie decorated the tree. it's mainly chocolate ornaments I've noticed for you not for me of on at the front did it have chocolate ornaments all the way around it before? No. I just wondering. you just basically put them where you can see them.

um and of course out with my my reach he Bo L you little my thank you Simon Much appreciated for Ralph so he does not feel left out so that's us even now we're going to split it 50/50 Anyway, it's going to be fine. Oh little booat is Steve be the tree Steve is not behind the tree. we drag him out if he was. Yeah as love chocolate decorations 84 persons.

Everybody loves chocolate decorations. Do you remember how it used to T Does it still taste the same way? it used to be chocolate decoration type chocolate was a kind of tasteless chocolate that didn't say it's tasteless, didn't really melt when the tree went in fire from all the electric faults with the lights. Yeah, that didn't happen. Ralph Although Our tree was live at one point I Believe in the past.

Thanks! Uh. I'm going to pronounce this. it's either Jessie or JY Cella Thank you Life try I'm not sure. let's have a look Jo have thank you much appreciated.

Uh J C that's ju I'm going to say Ju J C cuz it sounds great and these things are important. it sounds great I want more MREs We we have more MREs At some point the cats are quite beautiful to see. Oh R you about to pull out liquor? Now the guys know what happens when I get fizzy alcohol. Is that very high alcohol? What are you doing down there cat? There are Claws and Paws filing up and down here right to.

This is organic Cava Clive Naturally we haven't got champagne because champagne's pretentious. It is pretentious. yes and I wouldn't you know? wouldn't waste any money giving you champagne cuz yep we're better. but I've gone.

we're meeting in the middle. Cavat is actually a very competent can I Just thank a couple people Dag guy thank you. Much appreciated and Jeffrey Waldo really much appreciated. Thank you.

That's uh. Jeffrey has just paid for this. Uh, this plunk H And no, the cat is not getting. You know what happens when the cats get drunk? They just basically just like trash the place, trash the place again.

harness the power of the Fizz Indeed, What's R's professional opinion of Southern Comfort is Southern Comfort just a whiskey generic whiskey based lure. No. Southern Comfort is a bourbon based sweetened liquor. All right.

Okay, right. So some people would call it a lure, but in fact, it's the traditional style. Is that? uh to make a liquor palatable, particularly when it's fair? Fairly young? um, uh, is that you just add a little bit of sweetness? So Southern Comfort Really, as far as sweetened whiskies go, it's not too bad. It's not another tun for the kitties.
Thank you very much. Zing Man and Brmg very generous of you. Here are some Christmasy money for the both of you. Don't go spend it on one place as me and everyone else Gramy used to say indeed, thank you but that's $20 Thank you very much BR I To make You' get good, you've got good M it's Christmasy mid right now.

Oh no, you almost knocked it over. Is it going to pop? There is a chandelier above us? Thank you Lan McKenzie Much appreciated and Brian makes stuff also. Thank you H Thanks Six years of entertainment. Hopefully you can still get a pound each and something fun from Poundland.

With this, that would be ample. Beer is actually cheap here. It's great, right? Can I show the folks how to open the bottler? Yes, the Shandelier is above us. Just keep this in mind.

Well, the miror ball still on I Did the mirror ball? What what you do folks is? take a hold of the bottle in one hand, the cork in the other. and actually rather than trying to remove the cork from the bottle, you twist the bottle from the cork. Okay, here we go. Now you twist it around the way right? Uh, and then what happens R and then suddenly because I'm trying to demonstrate it.

it's just basically just you've just yeah. CLI sh the thank you uh and this will be for me. Oh watch clips of Janice Jin that's what Sun Comfort is about. Okay does she drink Sun Comfort Dack Jo That makes me think of who who was the comedian that drank whiskey had a very very cynical anti-religion humor finger missing oh what? who was that guy we top up yes cuz I just gave you a wee bit to love the guy Dave Allen Dave Allen yeah yep he basically thanks God is a great is Dave Allen uh he just had a whiskey next to I'm assuming it wasn't just colored water, it might have been colored water.

yeah because of Television but uh, they they did these really complex sketchies involving Church scenes. It was really funny. Thank you UK Roads and transport Much appreciated Hello from Wales Greetings back to Wales Hearing about your 20 mph speed limit? Quite interesting H You can find Dave Alen Clips on YouTube and you'll find them quite amusing, if just a bit. Uh, controversial.

Clav is mostly wearing Ilra you're right, cargo work wear, but it's blue. It's not the black one lost Johnny it just comes across as very dark. it is blue Thank you Martin Baker Barker Should I say much appreciated Portion sizes here Ralph M right? Just to let you know folks, that champagne is often overrated and certainly vintage champagne which is a bit more rested. it's get a bit more rounded, less acidic.

It tends to be rather expensive for what it is, so never consider Cava or the the English sparkling wines to be a cheap, cheaper, inferior version. Um, they can actually particularly roses. You can get more of a substance of flavor. So there we go.
So thank you for correcting and another contribution. yussi Cella that's how it's pronounced although I have to say juicy Cella sounded by good but it's Cella so thank you for that much appreciated and I pronounced it hopefully right this time and Gil gaze bellink G GS I think that's gase bellink. Thank you Keep up the great work! J You're both absolute Legends Four four not found Thank you. Just been reading your book Ralph not far in yet Merry Christmas Well, which one? God So many? um uh I'm not sure k I've got three books CLI thank you KJ I Came to on electronics.

Your pass for lighting is rubbed off I'm currently converting my workshop to start producing custom lamps. I'll send you one as thanks. That's absolutely fine. I've got so many lights, but yes, show me, send me some pictures.

that'd be really good. I'm just making sure I've thanked everybody good. Go look after your your viewership because you know you're think you've writing another book though aren't you? I am Yeah, as far as start a new book really prop this year I've been doing research and doing kind of backstory. uh, but it's a very different subject.

My three previous books are about whiskey. um thank you G8 xft Much appreciated. they are about whiskey y yeah um. the first one search for a whiskey boy? uh the second book is stories from a whiskey bar and the third book life, death and Whiskey which is more about my Aut biography as an Undertaker in Glasgow for over 20 years.

Craig Matthews uh thank you am I Drinking Swi Ro no age statement. bells and iron Brew Merry Christmas To you both have a pain on me I drink Bells I I'll drink them. there's bells and an iron Brew Yeah sure you are drinking swill, but there's no shame in it. hello Billy uhhuh oh we've got Billy the cat here.

Hey Billy Catnip catnip catnip Qui Get the cat. Thank you Jaff appreciated Merry Christmas From North Carolina Greetings back to North Carolina Billy Oh more catnip Ralph What that hat behind Clive that is one of Ralph's many hats. It's my rum hat. It's his rum hat.

Just like I've got the whiskey hat and well there the carbonation had. Are there any whiskies that can Rose The dead Chris Winam It depends how dead they all whiskey can Rose The dead if you drink enough of it, Chipmunk, thank you. What does Ralphie think of Jack Daniel's Tennessee fire I Don't think you'd really drink stuff like I don't drink stuff, only drinks whis this is this is Billy see that was a kitten. do you remember Ralph A put up videos of them tiny little kittens.

we handheld kittens. Yeah, he is total Farm cat. He spends a lot of time in the local farms with the other Farm cats. Yeah, he's just and he's very healthy.

but he eats tons of food. but he's very very healthy. Yeah, he's an absolute Top Class Mouser M Except when the two of them, you naughty little brats, bring the life Mouse into the house, right? Bring. Let them go.
Let them go. What cats are supposed to do Exactly so you can chase them in a nice warm environment? Little brats little Jims tear down and fix it. Thank you Cheers! Lads Thanks the company have a good one and Captain Chaos Uh, thank you for your videos. Much appreciated Captain Chaos and help and I learn a lot about alcohol from the both of you.

Excellent! It's the random junk channel Of course you'll get your. you'll get your more accurate information from myself no doubt. Captain Kios is a very interesting career. Direction He does interesting stuff.

Uh, there's also one person to thank Tom Kelal Merry Christmas Clive Ralph I've got a nip of old Pten here to Tou you Pony C Okay and uh, lovely drop Jamie Hland thank you Love from Massachusetts Love back to Massachusetts I've been in Boston briefly to visit the Cheers bar, but it was nothing. It's like that from the outside but obvious it's a set but it looked nothing like inside. It was with the Konas right? J 5 a.m 3DS a cat mayay died today I'm sorry to hear that. Dear first thing, she was an absolute Angel This is the curse of cats.

This is why I don't really want a pet cat myself cuz uh, it's the fact they don't live as long as you know. What One of the facts of the modern world is that not that long ago, cats and dogs were pets. Now in the Modern Age um, they're very much part of the family companions companions. They're far more assimilated because when you look at all the grief you can get off other humans, particularly family members.

um, you know pets are. despite the fact they try and trip you up, scratch you, claw you and they're not too bad. although H Billy gets quite excited. Welcome Paul Petit Welcome to your first C stream Hello big fluff Oh I Just kind of keep track of where I I'm here thank you Web Dey Have a good Christmas Eve Any good snacks Today we've just eaten a a fish platter which was very nice and thank you.

Dan How Merry Christmas Chaps all the way from uh, it's just jumped Yorkshire that's not too far away Is it? What are you doing? Going to take my microphone off so they can hear Billy puring? All right. Okay, Ralph's going to make lots of noise. Is he puring a lot? He is purring a lot he is. He's loving it.

The audio is good. Tonight we both have a microphone each and it's a nice controlled area. Oh Jeff halier if I missm his Super Chat I'm apologize that's it's flying up Hu Y L R H Jeffer Happy Holidays A healthy New Year! Uh well it depends how healthy of what we eat from. Dave Jeffr Shitzu JDR Shitzu Chihuahua mix Mr Beaker and Claude Le humidity.

uh thank you Merry Christmas From Seattle greetings back to Seattle you piig hands some P Hello Chaps the emerald Al that's a thing. The picture. The thumbnail picture is a real photo. It might look a bit uh AI but it's a real picture and it's Emerald Lake in Canada H g8x ft Thank you happy Christmas Guys and Tack for all the fun! John You're welcome.
Teach Ry Soldering. Can you sold her? No. Oh I should teach you solding sometime GC BR Yes suggested because that would be quite a good idea. You'd find it easy Ran Po Thanks! It must be easy then.

Merry Christmas from East Village NYC Thank you for your contribution. That's greatly appreciated. Found a nice two chamber disposed be the 1.1 amp battery. That's useful.

Oh I wonder which type that was. There's some interesting versions Jesse fre Thank thank you. Um, love your shows. Pets are better than family.

You always know where you stand with them and they don't try to mess with your brain I Don't know about these ones. You always know when you say you always know where you stand with them. You always know where you fall with them because theyve got right under your feet and you're tripping over the top of them. Veri Thank you.

The question is Ralph if you're going to drink whiskey and iron Brew or other SPS At best to drink it with bells or ruin a nice whiskey, don't ruin a nice whiskey and AR Brew don't Yeah, don't don't ruin a single. Thanks the company since Co CLI look right Bells will be absolutely fine if you're having a we fun drink entertainment Supermarket Just go for it. but whiskey and AR Brew go together really well. The smoking aromatic H John 5 to5 thank you Merry Christmas from New Jersey well whis Smokey Is it no? you? no, not all whiskies are Smokey CLI You You don't know anything about whiskey AB because you're a Philistine I only drink Blended cheap Supermarket Age statement: 3 years but in reality that was one drip of the three years stuff to put into the chemically flavored ethanol.

Yes, yes and all that Daft of jger mey, jger bomy Jagger D stuff Jager and rooster sauce or whatever you have, will we save whiffles? Uh no, it's H Su enough in here. There's a a crackling fire over there with a cat in front of it. Yes, it's very traditional around here and so no wles today cuz Ralph would not be pleased if I did Fireballs in his house. no uh Jagger and wher sauce? oh no, that sounds terrible Chipmunk yeah, must be good Bells is only good for degreasing parts I'm not sure if it work well for that baswell think they're better with braake clean for that.

But don't drink the braake cleam. no. Ah Clive would you like a we drop? or could could I show the the folks my my one of my Christmas cards. yes you could.

Is it tasteful? Not really. Well, yes it's absolutely. it's relatively tasteful. Okay, what about rums? Do you like any rums? Don't start Ralph And rums.

it's his latest thing. Ralph even has his own branded rum linal spoon. thank you Merry Christmas for cot, excuse me Clive this is, um, a scene. a cartoon scene from the Aisle of Man uh showing Santa participating out of season in the TT races.
Uh, part of the race. It's the slowest part of the course. No, it's not the goose neck C it's The Hairpin oh The Hairpin yeah there we go. This is a Christmas card I got from a friend.

um uh and very nice too I Thought you like might might like to see a Christmas card. yeah is that a cof you Ralph keeps stacks of coffins in here? yes Thank you for the majors Merry Christmas from Australia folks that'll be early in the morning for you. Is it Christmas yet? Where you are? is it still? Christmas Eve I'm not sure where the time zones hit but this, uh, there's going to be a spread 24 hours over the stream. It be the middle of the night for some people bik mtic gaming uh hello big clown Merry Christmas Good wishes Raot toot from Kentucky USA Martin Burker Thank you very much Link to the rum I Love me some rums.

Oh are you selling the rum yet? R Oh yeah, the rums for sale All right. Okay, The Good Spirits Company specialist whiskey shop in Glasgow Glasg number 23 Bath Street You'll find uh, the Mind These people are all around the world RA are all around the world and I was coming to that. Okay, however, in see see getting anything posted anywhere out of the UK it's a night. It's an absolute shocking situation.

You can get stuff shipped to some states in the US but it really is horrendously expensive. so it's only really if you're in the UK or if you're even better in Glasgow you could nip in. Um and I've got Ralph rum 15year old for square and I've got two wh CLI to branded whiskies. can can I share with the yes you can now before you do that uh C an M Sean sin C E a N or Scottish name I'm not really sure it's Cen but I think I'll say Sean SE Sean Mullik thank you Merry Christmas Happy New Year My wife from my wife and myself and the four boys, four dogs, two cats.

That's a busy family and we'll enjoy your videos and live streams. Dinner? Absolutely yeah now. Ralphie whiskey. If you can't get his rum, it is aged in whiskey casks and I'll just Quick Share for some hold Stuart Goen hold on Stuart Goan thank you Merry Christmas Clive and Ralphie Stuart in a wet and warm Melbourne Australia Of course it's summer there isn't it? Just to let just for for facts cuz facts are important.

the rum is 15 year olds but actually matured for 13 years in the ex bourbon. Cask it's Barbados rum and then it was 2 years two final years in a fresh madira Cask fortified wine from a little island in the Atlantic called madira. Um and that's the rum. So if you want some of Ralph's rum you can't get it.

just get some cheap. Supermarket R Had Splash a bbar madira into Shake It Up and that's Ralphie rum after a fashion and then add lemonade. well as Clive would do. This is why Clive Would you like can we Taste of one of my whiskies Clive It would be wasted on me? Yeah well.
I'm prepared. This is why I wouldn't be giving you much would be absolutely wasted I would be able to tell the difference between that and cheap Supermarket Whiskey un So you're just saying your brother, all this effort to prepare a bottle of whiskey this, you've got this stuff which is fine. this is my level. this is trash which is me.

yeah but okay, it's your level. Yeah, fair play but ID for character and also radi radiation prevention B it's the season of Goodwill Clive I'm offering you a little taste real quality Clive You can't say no because that would just be so you want to really make it. No I'm not going to do this. Make a risk and put a cheap bu and your one and I'll see if I tell the difference.

that's not tell I Can't it all tastes? Oh my goodness. I Can't believe we related. You know how like women of all these names are colors and men just say red H well that's me with whisky. It's like like whiskey.

I Can tell the difference between whiskey and dark rum sometimes and I can tell the difference between Jin thank you Gra Shaw Thank you for another year of great content and live streams you And Technic family here have helped me get through another challenging year. This is good. Hopefully I think a lot of people have a challenge you. Hopefully it's going to be a lot easier in the future.

We just have to kill all the politicians, but that's a man or behave yourself. See, that's what happens when you give me stuff like this that would be wasted in me. but you can show me later if you wish. I'll give you a we tiny por.

you're not getting much though. tiny like ABS just a drizzle like lit. no that that's too much. That's fine.

Don't waste it on me. it's precious liquid. Yes, it's just why you're not getting. try some shanky whip Jeff Massi What's shanky whip is that? Take your Wellies off Clive there there are no Wellington on these are work trousers.

um you TR of wild turkey? These these all American ones? Yes, these are American Liquors Wild Turkey is actually is a pretty decent bourbon. Well, turkey particularly rare. Is this for me? it's for you? Okay, yes. so which is this? It's the whiskey that's your Posh whiskey not the poshest I wouldn't give you the poshest Clive this is my my.

basically the standard 10-year-old Glenard single. Mt from a single Cask it has a higher oiliness. it's more showing. Say it's it.

tastes good. He's off to a good start. Actually impressed. Tastes realer than Supermarket whiskey realer.

Yes, it is that strange oily texture that whiskey has. real whiskey? Yes, it's called viscosity. Okay, cuz it's not been chill filtered. C You noticed it immediately.

you've noticed that Uhhuh please. Focus Image: Uh, the problem here is that uh, your uh feed may have just gone potato. Vision it is in focus. Uhhuh having a we piek at the I'm just trying to catch up here.
Oh no. I'm way behind on this, right? Okay, I'm working Kov he's going to get the soda stream indeed. Greetings to the world-renowned brothers from the A of Man. Thank you Chris Le Much appreciated.

it's very kind, world renowned. I'm not sure about that. Now we have a good idea what Clive's chin looks like What? based on Ralph's chin has Ralph tried defiant single malt. no oh chat disconnected.

Oh hold on. the stream is pausing. hold on the stream is still running but my my feed of the stream has uh Frozen I think you guys do you guys still have connectivity? Oh hold on it's I think I've dropped off your internet connection it's showing. absent is weak.

uh I'm not sure why I think it's fine, right? Hopefully this is still going out. Uh I'm not getting I'm just going to have to refresh this page. Hold on connect to the internet it says hold on. Bear me with me my moment.

Oh my goodness. Drama: I Can see the chat shooting up on the phone but the computers decided it's not on the internet anymore. So I'm going to have to catch up with uh, your generous contributions. Don't make any contributions at the moment because uh, ultimately.

yeah. I don't know what's happened here. Uh oh, we've had a technical malfunction. Oh my good.

it's a blooper. It is a blooper. Let me go to YouTube Here is it. connect to the Internet It says I'm offline.

My goodness, that's never happened to me. The Chat: I can see the chat going up still. Yeah, uh, right to what? I'm going to have to turn the computer off and on again just to uh, reboot things. sorry about this Talk Amongst Yourselves: uh, you are talking amongst yourselves I can see the chat scrolling up there.

Uh, just bear with me here I'm doing a reboot just to see if I can reconnect to the internet I could actually have got my phone and uh and just quickly loved on there. but it's better doing it through this interface. Yeah, bear with me one moment please. And if any of you contributed, hold on.

It's good to see you taking all in your stride. Yeah, well, this come sometimes happens Occasionally the stream goes down completely and uh I usually have a backup stream on standby for this, but I don't actually happened to me last Wednesday M I Put my hand rest my hand on the cable beside the microphone. Sound went completely I Had to just stop the entire live stream and restart it in a fresh stream for my patreon pals. Okay, my patreon subscribers.

so it looks as though we're kind of just uh, we're getting back. It's found the Internet again. This is good and just going to live. Just bear with me one moment.

One of the problems I have here is this is a big old stone house. but it's not big Stonehouse it's a Stonehouse but it's thick Stone and uh, it absolutely blocks all RF signals big time. so hopefully hopefully. which is why we never had the problem last year out in the conservatory.
Well no, we did. Uh, but we were using the uh, we were using the um other connection out in the C. If you recall, we're using the 4G connection. We're on fiber optic now.

Oh right. So yes, fiber optic is pretty fast, but Ralph is in the countryside, which means there's less competition here to the moderators. To the moderators indeed, what's a blipper Ralphie A blipper is when things go horribly wrong and you don't know that's going to happen and suddenly it's just happened and you didn't even know it was going to happen Scruff Dog thank you H I' managed to catch that one to you and your gaggle of goofballs and Mr Planet man thank you Merry Christmas Ralph Merry Christmas from Canada Canadian dollars. Oh yes, so it's an anti 5G Death Beam certified resident that no, there's no 5G here.

that's a problem. Do you know to get the connection? Last time we had to use a 4G router in a very specific one specific location in the house that it would work. Ralph's been using that for a while because his H he had the sort of like the the Broadband. It wasn't very fast, no it was through the landline.

it still Clicks in this location Are you still getting that? Jack Attack that is an an A of man thing. then this does not surprise me. Whaton Cl's legs H Leo um Leo um ladno I think it is right off work trousers. they're that's the sort of reflective bands.

Uh death Pom greetings Scott have a good Christmas I'm living in the future. Are you living in the future? He's living in the future In the Na of man. the 4G router is a van. What? There's a cat rolling about.

Oh the two. oh the cats are having a fight. Nope. On his legs is a laptop.

There is. There's a laptop here. there's no real 5G anywhere. Yeah, that's yeah.

no. You' be nice boys now. You' be nice Nies No nasties only nices d c the clicking is from your software video en Cod on the phone not the internet connection might be I'll try I'll switch to the Samsung phone in the future and see what happens. Used to be a show called Blipper and practical Jokes Boomers will remember it well.

Billy She leaving your little. you should leave your little brother alone. Oh Billy's a big bully. well not really.

he's not. He's cous fine. A few days ago, Fluffy brought in a mouse and I rescued the mouse. There's a shing noise in the back.

that's fine. um and the Fluffy thought his big brother had taken the mouse. Look at that that that oh you're knocking. you're knocking stuff out the tree now.

thank you Kevin Happy crimbo from Scotland where's that Scotland Scotland the new Jimmy behav with your whiskey. It helps. Do you know that it surprising enjoying that a friend in America post a picture in a It's very nice. thank yes it's very nice you pour yourself big one.
Yes well this is not going to get wasted. You see that's why I poured myself a larer me Merry Christmas Guys watching the baby. We'll try and keep the language down. your baby doesn't know those words yet so that's fine.

Brandon The clicking is the TV detective van outside spying. It could well be I Had the clicking with two different phones. One was much faster than the other but they're both Moto so maybe I'll try the Samsung We'll see if it resolves clicking problem. It clicks and pops over the on the over the stream cuz it is quite annoying when I play it back it is quite annoying thank you UNL yeah uh, just two brothers enjoying whiskey H Scottish Brothers with their whiskey.

How cliched. Oh okay, the only things missing is a freaking Kilt. Here's a thank goodness that we don't have bag pipes that's for sure. Yes! Do you remember when they had the National bag piping Competition in the park across the road from where we stayed in the old old old daysy school bride? No don't Yes! and they played the bag pipes all day.

They had about 50 different bands marching up and down playing their bag pipes and by the end of the day I never wanted to hear another B pipe in my life work in Ed too. So I a lot of bag pipes thank you Greg Merry Christmas Clive and Ralph from Belfast that's not that far away. that's just a we bit. we're in the same body of water the Irish sea has Ro tried to find single malt.

uh not. Define no we not got around to yet. there's so many out there there's lot lots so it is on the list. It is in the radar but I only I Really only open one bottle a week M of whiskey just to try and keep things manageable.

Yeah, do you see if I was being a kill right now I'd be like oh you tart I've done the best possible taste. What do you mean possible taste? Well that's got to do with it. Yes indeed. Poor people would be traumatized.

Uh-huh The time is 2139. the time is 2139. It is indeed. Here in Britain you tied felicitations as April See, you tied felicitations to you felicitations.

Yeah. CL the of a lot of bag pipes during the two. Actually, you know what? Minky M to the bag pipes. The two are okay.

See a solo bagpiper player who's really bad. Like the people who dress up and look for money in the street. They're crap and really excruciating. but you're supposed to just take pictures of them.

Then you get the really good ones and then you get the mask pipes and it's fine. I'm fine. the mask pipes. They sound fine.

It sounds really good actually. Particularly, we're in amongst them backstage. it's just I Do think they probably have hearing protection. Very sad there's no Boers tonight indeed Beny very sad indeed.

but it's Ralph's place will 1985. Thank you very much greatly appreciated. I mean if you got an A Fresh n a lighter Ralph I could do a W Do you want me cl live to create a rum wole A rum wole a rum wole What you going? Especially for your fans? What are you going to do? Well I'm not going to tell you you've got to just say you won. You won't be able to make it late.
Yes. unless it's very potent. Is it very high alcohol? Are you going to set it far to the house of rum? No. Okay, do you want me to prepare a rum wole the first ever for your live stream? Christmas 202 Really the first? Yes.

But anyway, what are you going to do? Well, you should do it and we'll judge it right? Okay, they want a run withle want a run withle he says no, he's not going to fart I hope he's not going to fart pet Stevens I'm not going to fart be back in a minute. Right to you. Where's that rum? Oh he's probably got some stupidly potent rum that is flammable I'm not sure how he's going to like it I hope he's not going to try and do a a fire breathing cuz that would just be a really bad idea. Horac says just say yes, what if he tries fire breathing rum cuz you know that always goes wrong cuz it's it's the the fire breathers actually breathe kerosene.

uh so it doesn't basically just flash back into the mouth. Does he remember he's M up Ralph remember your make to. he probably doesn't wared and he probably thank you. Christian you tried two phones but both using YouTube app.

same software, generally same coding pipeline. it's not the phone, it's the software. Try third party I could try um is it prism I could try that cuz I know that uh Scruff dogs been using prism but you'd think that of all the apps YouTube should be pretty good. Did you remember you've got a microphone on? Yeah, of course.

I Did you didn't do anything weird? What do you mean? wait a minute. Excuse me. What do you mean do something weird? lovely, wrong. Got to touch myself.

No, you didn't do that. No, comes later, right? This is a little mini Skillet it's a skillet okay for making for making pies, making little pan fry pancakey panders. yes, Gxf. thank you very much.

What's Ral is run and what's he think of bush Mills Bush Mills What is this rum you've got here is? give me. Give me. Just give me. be patient.

Give me time. This is love. It has to happen in the moment. it has to.

What's the oh, it's a sugar lump. It's a couple of sugar lumps. So we're getting the uh, we're getting the Absen The Vibes here. Yeah, uh.

they don't know. we don't start touch each other later on. Minky M That's was saying that Minky, this is not surpr desate do you think we are? This is not surprising. minky.

High strength Cask Strength Finest quality What percentage Barbados Rum bottled at 58 88.1% Alcohol high enough? Yes, of course it's high enough. All right. Okay, it's going be Splash uhhuh right to. It's now soaking into the sugar cube.

Uhhuh Now when you this is a very important for Christmas puddings. Um, when you put the kind of Christmas pudding out and you want to put the rum on it and light the rum and get the nice yellow flames you need to put some sugar in because alcohol burns almost clear. It's like methanol. You can't even see the Flames coming off methanol when it's burning and ethanol which is you st you can consume is very similar.
So what I've done is I've put some of this superb quality Barbados or what's called Bean rum into the metal Skillet and it's now soaked. Oh it's get your picture on it as well and I'm now going to light it. Authentic! Caribbean Rung Bottling number three. There we go.

Can you see that folks? Old's my single Cask Oh is lit at the moment. it's lit. At the moment, it's burning blue, right? Okay, but what'll happen as the sugar starts to toast, the color of the flame will change. It's still blue.

Yeah, at the moment. now it's starting to change. Can you see it starting to change? Something? Not to do no? Something not to do? What do you mean no is put methylated Spirits in your Christmas pudding because it will ruin it. Oh, look lovely.

burn. Yes, Right now what's happening is that the sugar is now caramelizing and it's changing the color. It's still burning away there but people can't see it. Cly cuz it's burning blue.

Hard to see and it's supposed to. There are Flames there right? Thank you Chipmunk Rough how hard it be to hunt down Cig Matthew mix LEF Freig with Ir Brew Right there you go. the Flames did did you just put paper in that? yeah I Just put a we bit of paper to to demonstrate cheating I Don't care if it's cheating I'm making a I'm demonstrating a point here Clive So we could have put boric acid and it would have been green. Thank you Christian Harold Much appreciated.

make an omelette. We could smell smell that Now smell that. Don't touch it. Oh it smells very rummy.

It smells like Christmas pudding. Strange enough, just smells exactly like Christmas pudding. Now this is actually slightly warm. uhhuh.

but it's not hot. I Put my 92% proof neutral in my crimble pudding. Edward Ford We don't get Ever Clear here. Do we don't have an equivalent to that? Do we? Yes we do.

CL Oh what is it? and where'd you get it? There's a German rum called Oh Stya St Stra. It's not drinkable. Here's a a very high strength rum Sunset rum. It's bottled 84.5% make a rum cake.

The rum cake would be quite good. Do want to e sger that? no because that's just basically solvent. that's for cleaning circuit boards correct I would do a great job that St is 80% We had some that two once. We ended up giving it a shots to other people uhoh just to basically trick them.

Ah not Christmas Puding in 35 years says China Earth Air Guns. Is there a reason for this? Is it fact? Well you live in your own so like it's unless you bought we mini pudding cuz uh otherwise you end up with tons. Could have some more bubbly. Thank you Zinger man much appr appreciated cuz you know what happens when I drink this.
it goes straight to my head I Don't want to make a mocker of myself for there's not too many people here you so you don't want to do what it's only 1,924 people Ralph So I won't make a dick of myself in front of too many people. Too late, too late. Polish spirit is 90% I wonder I wonder if they sell Polish spirit in the Polish shops? Yeah, probably G& MSY Don't know if there be some sort of juty problem with that. You can get industrial ethanol, but you don't want to accidentally get methanol instead, do you? because that would be bad news for for basically blind.

Yeah, life is getting wanker tonight for A4 not found says not so sure about that. Straw means garbage. Beer in the US oh straw. not sure about that.

It's a specification that is holder be Plum puddings dound. why do they call them Plum puddings because they contain Preserve plums which are called prunes. Oh right. Okay, so in fact a prune Pruno or prune pudding.

Um, and you also get a delicious if here's a little recipe for you if you just basically get a nice savory sauce for a for a meal and then just mash up some prunes into it. it gives a lovely Rich Savory Sweet, fruity texture and flavor. It's my little culinary tip: Clive Minky me too. Yes I Shave my eyebrows off in a live stream once.

but R drew them in with a sharpie so that doesn't count right? Did Well, you did. Yes. Okay, June and Kevin were involved. They arrived drunk.

yes, they brought drink and again, that's the only stream that I've actually had to delete completely again because things were sad. Well you know by now it was the Gary Glitter eyebrows and the uni brow. Yes anyway and Kevin tasted methed Spirits I Was going to point out that it's got the bit tracks in it and then swallowed it which wasn't great no. Peter Lawler thank you love.

You have a lovely Christmas New Year Much appreciated Leon M thank you your voice is Zen it is Zen actually remember Zen of Blake s fantastic doesn't sound anything like you. it's a bit zenish. I'd have to be actually say the style of Zen though. Yeah, you've got a great face for radio that's for sure.

I'd made a great sci-fi computer cuz you wouldn't see the face. What are you looking at? Cat Like cat looking at you're you are acting very suspiciously. Cat. Oh, he's looking at the frying pan.

Yeah, cuz and it's on a hot stove. So yeah, just if he, he'll learn but we don't want kitty burnt. You know he's smart. He's a smart one.

He's not going to oh really Really? No, no I don't think he is smart. Excuse me? You're going to have to intervene here cuz he's getting closer and closer to that hot Skillet on the on the stove, right? Naughty Pat There's something spooky in the mirror. There's always spooky things in the mirror. big rasal AR You can't help too many rum fumes.
They're probably aloh cats Z The voice of Peter todenham. He recorded some stuff uh, on some YouTube videos. didn't he record? uh, telephone answering messages in the style of Zen and Orac? thank you Peter Lawler Much appreciated. Better be Zen than Orac I'd rather be Zen than Orac.

Yes, Orac was just insolent I've obviously changed Direction Normally when I come to the live stream channel the big CLI live I uh I'm just getting distracted by comments here I get a Fed YouTube feeds me sci-fi stuff and it was nothing but Blake s. but now it's gone on to H Star Trek I'm not saying there's anything bad that can't get enough. Little snark Little Star Trek Snippets I'm in the kitchen if you cover the there the portal people can't get through Ralph What are you doing I'm in the kitchen yes, rattling the pans so it's to wind you up uhhuh I can't hear it Ralph they can hear it I can't I know which makes it even more. Makes it much a better wind up and Red Dwarf gets slaughtered in there as well.

It's all Scifi stuff all right. Have you lost a few subscribers tonight? Now having I Always lose whenever my face has seen uh people suddenly the the image that they have is ruined. drinking alcohol and talking on a live stream. which that figures to be fair I talk all the time.

but that's all right. Yeah I he does actually yes Red Dwarf The the original Red Dwarf was just ridiculously good. Very well written I need some Z what cre? I need some zakes. What's the English word for that? I forgotten Zakus Zakus don't know what that is Zakowski not sure, not the the Great Leowski.

those Christmas Tree lights safe. they are low voltage ones. They're safe that has been checked earlier on. aren't they lovely? The cats are safe.

May sure after takes his mic off he goes for a dump I Think we should just let him do it, especially if he grunts while he's doing it. P My goodness, wouldn't wouldn't that be hugely entertaining ever? Ralphy Film voice the dialogue to one of your workbench videos for as a bit? No, I've not. Chris but Ralph has appeared in some of the videos when he turned up while I was recording them. It's true MH Great video location Mega Meister This is is lounge with the opulent Christmas tree in the background.

It's not a lounge, it's the public room public room okay the front room I think Dad called it did he not yeah Dad oh that would have been an the old place yeah they the pickle salty drinking snack things oh I forget the name oh drinking snacks yeah drinking snacks will do M this is a tree that one year I came across from doing the Christmas lights in Glasgow and my dad waited. He loves this story No my dad had waited until uh I came across to go out with my mom and get the tree. that's right and he would was as staunchly only for real trees and we went out and it was too late there was hardly any left. all the ones that were left were all broken and patchy and then in B andq we saw this one H and it was the S of there was one set up for display and we thought that looks really good.
it actually looks better than the real ones and we bought it cuz it was discounted cuz it was just before Christmas and um we brought it back and my dad was looking at the you love this by oh and he shook his head he did when he saw us with the tree in a box but then he turned out that he loved it. yeah he really liked it. He changed his mind because of course um synthetic trees do not drop their needles. Um and oh, the old one used to all the time.

It used to be a mess. Yes. and of course this is very, very recyclable. In fact, we've been recycling this tree for what about 20 years it is? Um, probably Christian it is a Bear tree that Ralph put the lights and stuff on I Can't a cat destroyed it This? The cats are just.

they've not targeted the tree. That's why we need to spinkle catnip into it. Thank you. Merry Christmas C Ralphie One of my favorite streams of the Year Ah, you're welcome.

My goodness, how bad do they get? My cat is eating my next door neighbor H Get cat after all, Then right? So I'm not I'm not convinced about that I think perhaps there's a little bit of um embellishment going on with that statement. Yeah, and do you remember the peak of Lights in this tree? because I went a bit over the top I Wait minute just just for the benefit of the audience Clive Lights and trees. Going off of the over the top is such a thing possible? Yes, yes, it will be a tree hog ground in the future. Maybe that it holder be you'll put on your uh, your Oculus your meta VR headset and your tree will just be there.

And then you can decorate it just by going like that. Correct? Absolutely yeah. What is it Drink: we're sipping on it's Ma Salat It's Maia Salat It is a form of organic. Ros Cava When people are looking at sparkling wines, they tend to go for the white wines.

You can occasionally get sparkling red wines. Um, they're very interesting. Um, and they're they're They have to be filtered before they can be sparkled. But the the the one variant of sparkling wine that tends to get overlooked and underrated as a result is the roses.

And for me, the roses are the best. delivery of fruit, complexity and roundness in the pallet. Daniel We have a log bur. Moving on, we have a log burner down here just as a distraction here.

do. By the way, they now a statutory requirement where we are that any new build houses are not allowed to burn biofuel. Recycled biofuel. They've got to have electricity.

Yes, well, they're pushing the heat pumps because Kaching Kaching. Yeah, that's of that. Go on the island. But let's not go there.

Let not, that's politics. That's politics. C But do you remember Ralph When We Were Young This was quite some time ago. Do you remember how many years ago is that? Ral when you were young? All those years ago? How many years? R How many years ago is it when you were young? Oh, it's lost in The Mists of time.
It must be at least 20 Anyway, in the 1960s. Uh, the tree that Dad had he my dad was a big thing about the tree and there was just like 12 of the big lights. the big Olive lights with a little M of F, the Pipco, and then another small string. but it was really sparse.

That was the set of lights that went live because the little kind of yeah flowers around the bulb was a bit of metal and of course it cut through the cable. No, it didn't There was a metal star reflector with a little plastic ring in the inside and they'd all crumbled away. We didn't realize that most of those little stars were in the tree were live at Main's voltage or somewhere along between 0 to 240 volts, right? Yes, But we, we never got a shock of it. Well, I didn't is fine I didn't you got you got? you've had a few shocks in your life I've had shocks.

Yes, yeah, but justifiable shocks is Ralph Lambo Yes, he is, particularly when he's been drinking a lot. Honestly, I'm worried when Ralph pops his clogs that there's going to be a crematorium explosion. When he goes in due to the amount of ethanol in his body, it's probably going to go off like an atom bomb. But that tree.

Ralph The the lights back then were more like bubbles. You know they were an alternative, but it wasn't covered in lights like modern ones. That's right, it was just like sparse and each one represent illuminated bubble and it was fine. It was great.

Very atmospheric. it smell good as well. And importantly in the old days the lights didn't flash violently as they lit far too brightly. The problem with modern lighting is it's too garish.

Often it's vulgar and worst of all you get the combination of cold blue and white lights which is fine in when you're near the equator, but not when you're in a Northern latitude country. You need warm white, not cold white. But a lot of people don't think about the lighting because listen to lighting expert because they they basically they just go with a crowd, go with the flow and they don't even think about what they're putting up. Can you get L all the G9 bulbs? no only 240 in the UK I bet you can get them on eBay though because the Chinese don't give a toss about bases and voltages, but you might be able to make your own if you want to adapt a light to your own requirement.

Ralph's had a main shock too though, right? Yes, you have Cooper is asking I Have I Really, you did. You were out in the conservatory, you were out in the both and you had a Hogen UPL and uh, it wasn't lighting. So you stuck your finger in the end of the lamp holder and got an electric shot. No Mhm.

No absolutely not. Well looks like your memories failed then, because yes, what's the worst could happen. You're could talk more pish. you had talk pish.
You know that I talk pish. It's fine. They know that I talk I'll open another bottle of BU No I talk pish. H it's dropped to 1,874 So I have talked too much pish.

How are the cats doing? The cats are doing fine. There's one down here in front of the stove. the wood burning stove. The local gyms open on Christmas morning for 2 hours? That's pretty OD just two hours for 2 hours.

Yes, that's Weir from 88 till 10: a.m. So I'm going to go Christmas morning I'm going to the gym for a workout taxi. Want? Really? you're actually going to the gym. He needs to do something, but it's not for me to I can't twist his arm I Go to the gym three times a week.

What's Ralph's opinion on? Yes, Necrofilia? Um, it is peculiar, strange, disturbing, unnatural. Um, and often it's part and parcel of. um. black magic.

Black magic. Black magic? Yes, is is necromancy is the specific name? I'm not so sure the two of those are connected Clive they definitely are. Thank you. D Brag the best entertaining double act in the web.

much more. Please tell about it later, right? Carry. But no, Actually, you just changed the subject, aren't you? so? Ralph I'm going to pick a color. You just change the subject.

I'm going to pick a color You. You're very, very authoritarian in focusing the direction of your Liv stream because it happens to be your live stream with your fans. And I'm a special guest here once a year to provide some light entertainment. I'm going to have a poll, right? Thank you Martin Wiins much appreciate.

Um, you've not talked enough pish. It's about to get pushier. Admit it, just your standing light entertainment. Which of here we go.

He's laughing now because he's thought of something which he finds very funny that other people will find just strange. Yes. Start the poll. Okay, I've spelled your name wrong in the poll, have you? But not to worry, don't worry about about that.

So for reference, oh, ask a martian. We've seen that they've changed. Direction They've gone into this sort of morbid, but really interesting morbid. But they also get flagged.

They upset people which was odd. They it's not that odd. it's not that odd in YouTube it's too easy for people to get offended. Absolutely totally is.

Purple is winning. Ralph Purple is winning. What's purple, What the tell are you doing right? Okay, so purple is at 68% and pink is the rest out 100% So purple is the one that's winning right? Okay, I'm ending the poll and I'm going to ask the question. In the back of your van are pink chemicals and purple chemicals.

What is the purple chemical and what does it do? The purple chemical is called intant. It is a propr a proprietary Um solution for the EMB baming of elderly people who have a deteriorated circulatory system. um, in other words, clogging of the arteries. um I Didn't know it was going to go this way.
Well, you've you've you've had your poll, you've asked about it. Thank you Martin Bar Are you going to let me explain I'm just thanking Martin Barker who's made a little contribution? Entertainment: Need to get a sparkly dress? So sparkly dress comes later. But the purple chemical? Carry on, right? The purple chemical It's very effective. It's a combination of about 30 different components, including F Malahide which in fact is C H2O.

So it's a water molecule with a carbon molecule attached. So oh, don't get too technical here because they will absolutely rip your heart if you get it wrong. Well, I Why I'm not going to get it wrong. Anyway, carry on.

So it also has de coagulants humant, uh, texturizing chemicals. It's remark ably effective at what it does. And furthermore, when you're using less of a chemical simply because it functions better, it's just better for the environment. And basically the whole purpose of it is to restore a sleeping appearance to someone who otherwise would have the power and the odor of being dead.

Lovely. Now you have it, you know. And when people are asking a question T I Always respect it with an honest answer. Does it resurrect? says NE Not at all.

That's why I'm bottling the whiskey. Folks that do this. This resurrects us. This is preservative for living humans.

What a treat. Oh he is correct. says Luke Bowers Well that's disappointing. Oh well, you're disappointed.

Yeah I am nobody else is. Well, it's Soda Stream says JB and what does it taste like under no circumstances? Uh-huh Do you ever consume in any way any chemicals which are used in the process of EMB baming and what we call hygienic treatment. If you do, you need to actually seek medical attention immediately and damn good luck to you. Uh, the consumption of baming Baming chemicals can kill you.

They are toxic, so be very much aware of that. So the question is, do they react under F light I Don't think they would glow under F light. There's one way to find out. No.

Have you sniffed the purple one I have not sniffed any of your chemicals before? No, you have not you, you know I was so tempted. see while you were away doing your whiskey thing. uhhuh and I had the van I was so tempted to make a video Once in the back of Ralph's van I didn't I should have shouldn't I no thank you Vsto this would be an O video if you're wearing a Kil Clive merry epistem an O video not sure right but I've never worn a kill. We were almost where.

What time in life were we almost. you've Wen a kilt? Yes. I've got a kilt? You've got a kilt. Wow, yeah wow cuz I can't wear it I Refused to wear one as a page boy for one of the I think it was a funa weedding h Would the chemical be toxic to the ground? It's definitely not something you'd probably want to spill everywhere bu not no, it's it.
It is Not In the short term if you just spil it on the on the yes it it would be. but in the longer term it does break down. What causes more damage are the gallons upon gallons of Hous household disinfect, disinfectants, detergents and bleaches and Bl L that people are flushing into the water supply. And don't get me started on um, oh Ral now we've started you now on on laundry detergents and so called.

Um, actually, what's that stuff they put in with the laundry detergent? Phat No, they put it in conditioner the conditioner. There's absolutely no need for that at all. It's nonsense. conditioner ruins your machine.

Do you know what I was doing yesterday I was scraping conditioner deposits out of my tumble dryer. Were you out of the actual air paths in it cuz it was smelling a bit musty. Yeah, we've talked 2,000 uh viewers at the moment. Play the bag pipes n then no, well is your fans.

You know they appreciate you. So why don't you pretend to play the B pip I Have to just prance around naked, pretending and I'll do the tune right. You do the movements I'll Right now, Methol is actually dangerous. It is indeed.

D It breaks down. ethanol converts it toide so can yourself B I'm not so sure I think it's because it breaks down to an acid in your body Jake Sinclair and uh, that's why if someone gets methanol poisoning the cure for that. Well the Cure the the treatment for it is to give them Whiskey rum. anything.

That's to hand anything with ethanol in it because it gets metabolized first. That's also the same treatment is used for ethylene glyco poisoning. Just so you know that this is used for stuff to know. Mhm If you ever have a form Malahide Spill the the best chemical to neutralize it is ammonia, ammonia, ammonia.

Okay, just spitting the facts Clive Spitting the facts. So what other chemicals you have in the back of your van? you've got the pink one. The pink one is um for cavities H Yeah, it's It's very effective. It's you know, modern chemicals.

Amazing. The cavities do you mean ass? No. Clive I'm talking about stomach cavity and chest cavity right? Okay, the the body's actual cavity. uhhuh a is tro car trar tro car Yeah tro car is.

It's um, basically a piece of equipment I use or is that a pump for the on the pump. the sunction pump to remove excess blood from the body to be replaced by the solution of formalin for for those who don't know and this is a lovely Christmas subject. Um, well Clive you know in the same way you preserve Christmas pudding with your your rum. Uh, you preserve bodies you don't preserve Christmas Pudding You can add rum to it Clive But what preserves Christmas pudding is sugar.

That's what preserves Christmas Christmas Puddings The rum is merely just a cosmetic after effect which slightly scorches the surface of the pudding and adds an extra layer of flavor depending on the quality of rum you use. And I'm very proud of my Rum by the way, he's so proud his picture of his faces in the front of it which just creeps outsite, but that's okay. Well that well, you're easily creeped. C Yes, people need to recog why my face not on it for dignity cuz I'm trying to sell Pirate Clive Pirate Clive Yes, well I'll tell you what.
What are you trying to going to say? you were going to say as pirate, weren't you? No? I wasn't going to say that at all. that's what they. Well, that's what they'll be thinking. cly what you'd like to hear.

That's what you'd like to hear bber bunder BG Australian To is that mass produced? Really, it is mass produced and it's not Australia's finest moment. B Matic Gaming Ralph is slightly older than I me, but not by much very little in it. But yes, Frake Christmas fruit cake is preserved by never opening it. Oh I'm not sure suppose it's ancient cake.

Yes. so so that pump you got right? we're talking about them Bing Things again. You got it ages ago now. Oh 12 years ago.

Is it still going strong? Absolutely. Has it been reliable? Super reliable. Oh that's good. It looked really expensive cuz it was all stainless steel and stuff that very solidly put together.

uh every year I kind of service it? um simply by just having all the all the tubes that detach from it. the the suck and and the pumps go sucking and blowing right? Um, blowing is to increase the pressure for the solution to to go into the body a soft ambient temperature. I Don't think it is peristaltic I'm not sure you can. you can do it Paris No you can get Peristaltic pumps.

Peristaltic Peristaltic pumps. but no, it's uh simply a traditional style of piston pump. um now they're asking here and I basically just put, just let the air go through it and I just put a we sco of just industrial clean. Oh right.

okay just a little bit just to kind of and a little bit of um soft soft oil. um Gunner oil actually is perfect. Okay because it doesn't wear out. Is this's career? Oscar s h someone is asking, have you ever put your Willie in it? Probably not.

Okay right? You've run out of fizzy wine, You've got fizzy wine. I'm going to drink the rest of the fizzy wine, right? You're going to drink Yes, right? So someone's asked that? Obviously not, but hey, it was what you know. Good for a laugh when C's found that one quite entertaining. Yes I have By the way, at what point can you fill Jam donuts with it mix Banner uh I used to do maintenance work in Supermarket bakeries and they had the jam donut filling machine.

yeah and it' be like primed of the jam and they'd been Donuts in the vicinity and if you you basically put the dut over the spike and then your knuckles just hit the pad behind it and it pumped a portion of jaming and I used to just pump it until it was full of jam and then eat it did you? I can imagine that Yes yeah cuz a fat bastard that's why but I was quite thin then right? cuz I was working late on these shifts and working hard. That was then. this is now and now you're just unmistakably a Fat Bastard Big Fat Bastard Yes big fat tummy? Yes big yeah fat. he going get a real job.
You're an influencer C aren't you Ooh o Oh incred mik I Interviewed at a funeral home once and they asked if I believed in ghosts. Why would they ask that? do you believe in ghosts? Ralph Yes absolutely I have been the we very much a wear uh and it's got a lot to do with the job. Uh, at different times that there has been presences and I believe it down comes down to what's called morphic resonance. And if you want to know more about that, do a YouTube search for Dr Rer Sheldrick one of the most fascinating and old school explorative scientists that we have in the UK at the moment.

Um, thank you Steph I Much appreciated just I Going on too long am I No. I was just think I'm not quick enough scientist Ghosts scientist. Jeff A genuine scientist. Drink or talk.

We don't actually talk. He's a we drink. He's a genuine scientist and I'm a genuine Doctor Ralph Yeah, you're a genuine something that's for sure anyway. But you want do? Do ghosts exist right? In my opinion, They most certainly do.

And they they manifest occasionally. They can be perceived physically, but often they manifest as particular vibrational residual frequencies in the environment. That's a good question. MGS Do they have ghost lights? Do they always have light on at all times? even when the lights are off in the room? because theat do Yeah, Thank you Peter Van Denmar Vanar Much appreciated theaters Clive are very particular environments because when theater started, the modern theater in Elizabeth in England Um, they were manned by ex.

Naal. The rigging was done by Sailors Yes, by Exal. So lots of superstitions and terminology associated with that of whistling on the stage because they used to communicate by whistling. Correct.

Um, However, the ghost light has nothing to do with that. The ghost light has been. Tell me what a ghost light is Ral What does it look like right? A ghost like theater? It's I Have no idea. Not in a theater.

No it's basically if you can imagine see the stand here that's a tripod stand w

13 thoughts on “Ralf and clive do a xmas livestream”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gingerelvis says:

    Thank you Clive and Ralfy for your annual entertaining nonsense. Catching up on the stream to distract myself from the apprehension of moving house in the morning to live alone again and leaving my old man on his own too.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @markhodgson2348 says:

    You both complement each other so well,merry Christmas and Happy and a creative New year

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Lumibear. says:

    If you’re only going to decorate the tree ‘where people can see it’ maybe don’t have a mirror behind it? Oh well, fun stuff. I like how Clive is sat way back from Ralf but still looks twice his size, did you have a tall Milkman when you were kids? 😉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VarionJimmy says:

    Really love both of you. 🤗
    I missed this livestream.
    Will there be a livestream on new year?
    (I’ve done various chat things on new year and it’s fun. Since people are from different time zones, there’s “happy new year” several times during the time.)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andrewbrunton8664 says:

    That was very entertaining. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @skyll4141 says:

    merry Christmas both of you. Could you do a teardown on a Chinese vibrator please thanks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KiwiExpressCream says:

    Big Clive, Ralfy and the kitties… the perfect YouTube video 🥰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @supernova1974 says:

    When Clive just comes out with "I once smoked catnip" you kinda know where this live is going 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @spunkychops7484 says:

    Cat bumpers xl

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @burnsgrund8631 says:

    Merry Christmas Clive from Burns in British Columbia, Canada

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ronnievenhorst9873 says:

    Is that your friend?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RJHElias says:

    merry x mas and a fantastic 24 Clive and Ralph, always a pleasure to watch you. love from Holland

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrAlex3461 says:

    Bloody hell your beard grows fast

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