Much as I'd love to tell you these actually work, they are another product that aims to deceive and act as a placebo. Proper antenna design is literally a specialist industry of its own, and slapping a conductive sticker onto your phone is more likely to reduce your signal than improve it.
On a plus note, at least this sticker isn't radioactive like the crazy 5G defense stickers.
There's nothing new about this scam. In the very earliest days of mobile phones they soon came out with window stickers that claimed to divert RF energy into your home from outside to give better reception.
This one is extra tacky, because it makes much less effort to look real. Instead of being a slim PCB it's literally just a sticker with fake tracks printed on it and even the intriguing "chip" in the middle is just a printed black square.
If you actually want one of these then save your money and make a sticker out of the thumbnail of this video. It will be just as effective.
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By request the smart signal amplification sticker that goes on your phone and when you put it in your phone, it uh, harvests the RF energy and couples it to the antenna and it gives you uh, smooth calls and games and that guy's really happy. and oh, look at the game. it's running really fast. Now in the listing, what looks like a circuit board was shown like one of those thin film um Captain tape type material circuit boards with the tracks on it and it's got all the plated through holes and stuff that what actually arrived.

Well, this arrived. this little sticker. Now if we take a closer look at the sticker, this is what it looks like. I should zoom out a bit because we've zoomed up a bit here.

So here it is. I might even brighten that image of a T. It uh, looks strangely as if it's just a printed sticker. Now in the listing, it also had what looked like a chip and I thought that's going to be a random chip.

No marks it's going to. or if it had marks, it's going to be erased off it. and they're just going to use a random chip stuck to it? Well, no, they've really economized. It's a black Square in the middle of it.

So I'm wondering if I peel this off. Um, if I can peel it off, Is it actually going to have tracks on the other side? I Don't think so. This is very, very tricky. I'm going to have to be very careful here not to damage it because you know I don't want to Uh right? Okay, that is just a transparent sticker with very faint uh ink printed on it that's so fake.

it's unbelievable. So the listing for this was: Signal Booster Sticker Antenna booster, Signal amplifier, Phone signal Booster the really in there and the picture here does show something different. It doesn't look much like this. It actually looks more realer if if you will.

However, as any RF expert will tell you, one does not simply stick an antenna onto the outside of the phone. This scam has been going on for I can remember as a kid the when the mobile phones first came out. well not that much for a kid. Then they had H little circuit boards that you stuck in your window and they harvest the signal and reated it inside.

and I think some of the QVC is types of teley marketing companies were selling these as well. Hold on. I'm going to stick this here just uh, just because it's there. Um, but if you actually had actual tracks like this and you stuck it over the antenna of the phone, it does come with instructions showing placement.

It actually shows it over the camera which isn't very good, but if you stuck this actually and it had conductive pads over than 10 of your phone, it would potentially reduce your range by screening it cuz you can rest assured if it was as easy as just having a stick on external antenna like this, the phone companies would be a all over it because they don't like it when they sell phones and people review them and say I had really bad reception on this phone. uh if they could just put a sticker in the back officially and it increased the range, that would be the way ahead for that. but as it is that was a very quick 37 minus the small shipping charge from China that they made off me. And there's my lovely sticker! I'm feel very thrilled about my lovely sticker but to be honest I will not be sticking it to my phone because it does nothing.

16 thoughts on “Phone signal boosting sticker”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Radio.Raptor says:

    You know… this reminds me of the case with the Nintendo Switch Joycons (small detachable controllers) where one had a RF related communication issue, the fix? Antistatic conductive IC foam apparently. Sometimes these RF things can get really weird…

    These patches however I have no faith in…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @iamzid says:

    ya i always figured they were a scam. cell phone manufacturers wouldn't make your reception less than it could be unless there was a buck to make. they'd sell that at the cell phone store, if they worked.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NaoPb says:

    I do like the design of the sticker so I might get one just for looks. However it might make me look like someone who was scammed.

    Talking about stickers, I remember my mom sticking the things from clothes on the window near the door to scare away burglars, because they have a little circuit on them making them look like something electrical. Incidentally I did the same on a different window playing around with one. Only found out years later we both had done so.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hopje01 says:

    It changes the dielectric constant between the phone and the gsm tower. Air->kapton for 0.01mm. 😊

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NickNorton says:

    I cannot blame anyone for buying this and sticking it to their Strokey Pokey.
    What I do blame is the Education system and Parents.
    Parents have no idea how things work, other than how to procreate.
    The education system is a political/HSE/equal rights nightmare.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AndyBeez says:

    Wot noo schkematick? 😢

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TSAlpha2933 says:

    I just wanted you to know I'm unsubscribing because of your flippant and ridiculous comments about Congolese child slavery.

    pretend it doesn't exist all you want, but mocking real world child slavery isn't it, guy.

    do better, do a bit more homework.


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @umbrellacorp. says:

    Ha haha haha. 🤣👍💯
    You did great with bursting this Scam. I can't help but think this was made by Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop. 😂 You're Awesome. 😎👍💯

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @billbucktube says:

    If it seems too good to be true…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @blueberry1c2 says:

    * sticks 50 of these onto the back of my phone and holds it up *
    * Everything hums louder and louder until a deep red beam, a foot wide, bores through the air, headed directly at the moon *
    *The beam bounces off the moon, leaving a crater 5km wide and scattering beamlets to every cell tower on the near side of the planet *
    * The nearest one is destroyed instantly in a violently bright explosion, everyone covering their ears and running away *
    * When the dust settles i hold up my phone, my skin glowing with the light of petabytes of data, having downloaded the entire youtube library not just to my phone, but to myself, in a fraction of a second. Echoes of gaming commentary, makeup tutorials, pop music, sports, and video essays combine into my new voice, every word i say is a combination of all of the uploaders who have said the word before *
    "I have transcended the need to like and subscr- wait. No. No no no, not the ads. This wasn't part of the-"
    * I collapse into a singularity, the cries of shocked vloggers, babies, and raging gamers combining into one final scream before i am mulched into the essense of the attention economy *

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @christianlautenschlager9693 says:

    those people should be baned from being on the internet…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Elesario says:

    Works the same way go faster stripes do on cars 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LoPhatKao says:

    caveat emptor

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @easygroove says:

    hahaha ,
    buy my sticker – it has written "Idiot" on it and is double that price – but it really works, i promise!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davidfalconer8913 says:

    As an RF engineer that worked for NOKIA™ ( until they went slightly bust ! ) … I find this hilarious ! … however , you might find this sets off your local ( Quickie – Mart ) store alarm , so don't carry it around ( ? ) Ha – Ha …. DAVE™🛑

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ricknelson947 says:

    Having owned 5 cell phone sales and service locations and being an FCC licensed technician for over 40 years now. I haven’t forgotten the first customer that showed up to the store I happened to be in with a similar product in the early part of 2000. I informed them of the scam and made sure to post this at all of my stores to help customers avoid wasting their money. Back when we had removable batteries. The instructions always had the sticker placed underneath the battery. Do you remember the antennas with the flashing lights on them, claiming to be entertaining while improving your signal? UG😖

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