I think I'll have to assume that pork cartilage is a common part of Chinese cuisine, but it didn't feel good to eat. it was a soft bone-like gelatinous stuff.
This was a self heating meal that uses a pouch of metals and salts that react to create the effect of a short circuited battery, and in doing so generate lots of heat. Enough to create a very fierce jet of steam out of the top of the pack.
Other than the squirmy cartilage bit, the rest of the meal, including the meaty pork bits was very enjoyable. I ate the whole thing after removing the grisly cartilage bits.
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So we have a self-heating pork noodle, which is about to sell beef currently, and it's interesting because it lists it as well. It's cyto date, but that's fine. It says it's got a pork cartilage pack, bone soup pack, dehydrated vegetables, and noodle, and it has a heater pack. So let's open this up.

It is quite suspicious. it does there advertisers ingredients as edible salt. not sure if it's if there's an alternative inedible salt. So when we open this up, it has this pack of chunky things.

It's got a pack of the bone soup for the filament. Let's get the bowl. It's got the heater pack, cutlery, hold on Cutlery, and a napkin. What is that? What was it? Oh, it's a telescopic Chopstick All right.

Okay, so we've got Chopsticks you've got dried vegetables and we've got noodles. So it says to start off with and put all these into the Whiteboard because you've got the scissors here. Yeah, they smell synthetic. Look at the vegetables.

We've got the bone soup. What's this gonna be like? Unhygienic. It's what I was expecting more. agree.

Village Now it does say that I'm supposed to Top This up with more traffics. Uh, something. just learned my lap I Think that was golden Soup. and then there's this.

No steam yet? Uh, what is this cartilage? It doesn't look appetizing, does it? It actually is Just like and there it says. mix it together Well, that's quite hard. When it's your bowl is full of pork cartilage. Oh something.

It's suddenly unappetizing for some reason. But anyway. I'll mix it together. It says top up with water to the lounge I think that's the the lane here.

Okay, so let's uh I had some water up to uh yeah, we get the heater thing and we get the heater pack. Are you feeling hungry? Yeah, What are you Whispering I Love it. Here's a huge attack. Let's put it in there and it says cover it with about 350 milliliter water which is this is a bit too much, but we'll just start for listen up to about there I reckon maybe a bit more and then this is supposed to start heating up.

Basically at this point it says at this point we sit this bolt, nothing is happening there yet, mush in there, put the cover on, and then we wait for, uh, steam to start squatting out this hole. Oh one moment it's a punchline here. make catchphrase. This is a very, very unappetizing looking.

The pork cartilage is a bit suspicious that is really squirting the steam out. Now what have they got in that pack? Okay, and it's definitely heating up. Oh Jesus it really is, uh, getting very hot very suddenly I feel I should have put something between this I was thinking that I may actually put some some paper towels I could put the cardboard box yes and we'll just uh there seems to die down a bit. It has died down a bit, but it is very hot I Never just have to have patience and wait for it to do things one wine moment please.

So it is now cooked to move. actually let it cool a bit. So I'm going to lay in and see what this is like. The steam was jetting out of this and it is now turned into this uh, very wet juicy stuff and the the corn is reconstituted.
Well this is the uh, this is just okay. but aside from the Bony bit it tastes all right. The noodles are like are you doing noodles? Would you say these are noodles? They're very thick. Yeah, let's say that I think you're going to struggle to eat yourself getting them all down the beard? Yeah, it was all right.

Actually it tastes quite firm, but there is that gelatinous stuff I don't know what this is. Are you supposed to eat the gelatinous stuff? Not that cool stuff. No, that's not very good. but the actual meat itself was pretty good and it came with this little spin.

this stylish little spoon for drinking the soup which is sweet and salty. kind of pretty so of the the only thing I'm not liking so far. it's not all the meat, but it is the lump of cartilage stuff that's in amongst it because the pork itself is all right and so you know I will be eating this. but I will be leaving these lumps of cartilage because uh, they're not enjoyable.

They're a strange sort of don't eat any type of texture like soft bone. So um, that is it. That is what the uh, the self-heating uh pork noodle bowl is like.

18 thoughts on “Self heating pork cartilage noodle bowl”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheLocalTechPriest says:

    If you ever get another one of those, here’s something to test (under safe and controlled conditions, of course):

    After adding the water and covering everything, wait for the steam to start flying out, then light a match or lighter near the steam. If I’m right and the heater is actually a flameless ration heater, you’ll light a column of hydrogen gas.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Aunt maple made the BEST cartilage sandwiches ever, after school me and the kids would race over there pronto, cartilage sandwiches!!!!!;, …with fried buffalo hoves,!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marivaudage says:

    The chemical ridden shit that passes for food these days is a major reason for human maladies. The plastic leaching nasty chemicals is bad enough but the actual "food" if you can call it that is awful.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn_the_protogen says:

    Those FRHs can get quite violent if your not careful.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zane Da Magic Puffer Dragon says:

    Yummy 😋

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon says:

    very wasteful meal.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zhao jun says:

    its named pork soft bone noodle

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P F says:

    You need to keep aways from stuff like that, its poison foods. I cook chicken drum sticks, store them in the fridge and take a few everyday to work, they far better than eating process foods such as that.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woolfy says:

    The sauce looks like it would be good. Not sure about the cartilage though haha

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Name Is Earl says:

    Slightly out of date… Even if it was in date, not sure I would take that risk – living life on the edge!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louie Cypher says:

    who farted?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electrical madness says:

    Loved it when the team said with you 'one moment please' 😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tex Drinkwater says:

    I want to see a Clive & @AtomicShrimp "Weird Self-Heating Stuff in a Can" collab episode. 🤣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRX Tech says:

    lol love the most viewed part was where the cute girl came into view the first time haha. Us men,,,, lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moonshine-pz says:

    Self heating pork cartilage. What can possibly go wrong.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Upside Down R/C says:

    Wow..now thats a heater pack

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Fahey says:

    So you are branching out into a cooking channel?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Monkman says:

    The wife buys these from our local Chinese supermarket. Really handy to feed the family when out camping.

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