This is a different twist to a super-simple solar charge lighting circuit. I've never used reverse leakage current through a solar panel in this way before, but it seems to work.
The project uses a cheap eBay solar panel (5 or 6V) and a standard phone lithium battery with built in protection. The charge current is limited purely by what the solar panel can deliver, in this case about 100 to 200mA. The intensity of the LEDs will depend on the value of the series resistor and the transistor's base resistor. The unit is more intended for decorative use than area lighting.
I built a similar circuit years ago and use it to drive a string of meteor lights. They're still going strong years later and even work well into the night in winter.
I'm wondering how consistent the reverse leakage current from the solar panel will be between panels. It seems common enough to require the inclusion of a reverse discharge diode in most solar chargers.
The component list is:
Nokia or other protected phone battery. (Must be protected.)
Solar panel from eBay 5 or 6V 500mA output max (100ma is fine).
1N4001 1A diode. (or any from the 1N400X range)
10 ohm resistor to limit LED current.
10K resistor for transistor base, adjust if needed.
BC547 or any other similar NPN transistor with high gain.
Double sided foam tape and some insulated wire.
Some LEDs, Parallel LED string, meteor lights or whatever you want to run. Here's a general purpose eBay search link for some of the LEDs:-
Keep in mind that the cell may have a charge while building the circuit, so be careful not to short it out, although it should have overcurrent protection if you do.
This circuit is intended for low current LED loads only.
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14 thoughts on “Simplest solar light possible, using old phone battery.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoganKSDoesEverythang says:

    Before this video played, A Scam Ad Popped up ๐Ÿ’€

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Expose Abuse says:

    It looks like a huge turd actually, then consumes said confectionary resembling a stubbed bum cigar. Lol

    One video the other day had me laughing with the stream of innuendos.

    Gutter mind that day.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ankur Desai says:

    I have been using this circuit for years now and it just works. was wondering if something similar could be done using a tp4056 charging module with a "Dawn Dusk" setup and not leave it on the whole time.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atul Yadav says:

    This one I built today , hopefully will teach my students ๐Ÿ˜Š Using Protected LiPo battery of 500 mAh

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan says:

    I love this video…thanks for making it. Would this work with an 18650 battery? Would any values of resistors need changing? I want to power 1x 1W bright LED to put on my mailbox so maybe people will quit running it over at night. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimbola77 says:

    you are a genius man!!!! i love all your videos thank you for sharing…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Wrethman says:

    grate circuit

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Wise says:

    reminds me of my fathers electronic gadgets (12V fluros in the mid 80s) with a chooks nest of wiring and that always seemed to work!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jp says:

    cool idea brotha


    see u in the future!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Tom Thackston says:

    That would produce a commode pounder with squeeze.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bluegreenworld333 says:

    I'm so de lighted to discover your video thank you!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Beatty says:

    I followed Clive's build. I am enjoying a successful project. Thanks Clive.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pikeyandclaire says:

    Clive, can you advise, what size cables are tou using for solar garden lighting.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars U.E. U.E. says:

    Why did you use such a little carkey-battery for checking the polarity of the LED-strip when you had a big rectangle shaped LiIon-battery in full sight in front of your eyes? ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‚ Hidden in plain sight. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Is this green strip now showing you the way from the garden door to the house? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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