An LED night light that I found while doing some random shopping in Glasgow (Scotland). It's quite a nice light, and apart from the naughty zap it gave me (while unplugged) it is otherwise fairly typical of these lights. Pretty good construction inside with no light sensor, so it is lit all the time it's powered.
I did rather predictably end up changing the LED to a warm white one, and also swapped the chunky 330nF capacitor for a 100nF X2 which still results in good intensity, but will give much longer LED life.
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I did rather predictably end up changing the LED to a warm white one, and also swapped the chunky 330nF capacitor for a 100nF X2 which still results in good intensity, but will give much longer LED life.
If you enjoy this channel you can help support it with a dollar for coffee, cookies and zappy night lights at:-
Ahhhhh…. made by small children, for small children.
When Clive calls a resistor "modest" does he actually mean the opposite? Is using the term modest instead of generous an Isle of Man thing?
Came for the Zapping!
I think this is the first time I've seen Clive get bit💥 by a charged capacitor.
Dude, 5 years, only 6 dislikes, that's a hella good ratio! Good stuff mate.
i rather like the floating hands
I had a nite light that looked like a little television screen when I was a kid, It was electroluminescent. Of course I took it apart! It had a single metal plate coated on one side with some luminescent material. No drivers or circuitry. When I put it back together I put the panel in the wrong way around and blew the fuse when I plugged it in. I investigated what I did wrong, put it back together correctly and it still worked!
Nice new Look&feel…
You keep claiming that an isolated circuit like that can’t shock you. As a kid I discharged the capacitor to a disposable camera flash with the shackle of a padlock. I used only one hand. Let me say I got a hell of a shock.
I don’t understand why you aren’t right, but in my experience, that’s bollocks.
It don't take much to empress the Big Clive.
Oh yes Clivey… ''It comes naturally!!" Cause when I was little and suckling my mom, and she pulled me away, I said; moaaam… I'v only had 330 picofarads. I was expecting 33 nanofarads !!