This rather interesting LED lamp was sent in by Mark. It had lasted about 30 seconds before failing with a dim flicker. The really weird bit is that this lamp has a 670V internal supply to drive a massive series array of LEDs.
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Ah, it uses a 'gozinty' chip.
What a strange circuit. LED's work on about 3v, so what does this circuit do? It doubles the already far too high mains input voltage.
Why Bayonet style bulb sockets?
Same here. 12 year lifespan, did not last 12 months. And I paid £8 for it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'm amazed at how many LED bulbs seem to fail. I have bought all of my LED bulbs from Poundland or Screwfix when it was cheaper to do. I typically buy 5 to 9 watt bulbs. In the past 3-years I have only had one LED bulb in my house fail, and this had been heavily used. I have no dimmers in my house, just the normal 240v supply.
Definitely manufacturer defect if it lasted only 30 seconds.
Is that device a glorified current mirror?
I looked it up, the JW1691H now has a datasheet available in English – it's not rated for this application. It's only supposed to go up to 500 volts.
Thumbs Up for the john ward reference 😀
"This is quite spicy voltages"
“These are the kind of lamps we like… DEAD ONES!”
Not heard “Bwahahaha” (evil mad scientist laugh)
i rekon its a boost converter to boost from 340ish to 670v dc