i was offered some very dead LED lamps to take a look at. They sure stink of burnt stuff.
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Wowzers… I haven’t had these types of lamps, so I’ve been lucky enough not to have this happen. Is this a fire hazard?
Noticed a nasty smell? . . Look under the bed for evidence of the cat creeping under there and sh . . . . . . . . edding its fur! lol.
Yeah, I notice these lamps look suspiciously like some of those P21watt LED car bulbs you can buy on eBay right now. Are they of the same lineage? And if so, are they prone to the same/similar failure mode?
If I keep smelling good, can I live forever ?
it looks like a teardown of a dead wasp..
+bigclivedotcom One Easter morning when I was a kid, we had a smoke smell permeating the house, started thinking we had an electrical fire; Fortunately it was just a walnut that our parents had hidden on top of a 150W incandescent lamp. Scorched walnuts smell sorta bad, not as bad as some electronics though 🙂 Since then I've found that, if you have some stinky electronics or something that someone smoked around a LOT, you can package it inside a plastic bag, and put a paper sack full of charcoal (BBQ Briquettes) inside next to it – The charcoal will absorb the smell over time, I bought a Nook Tablet (Think it was an HD+) that was nasty smelly and now it smells like it'd never been smoked around. Handy tool; Also if you simmer a couple Cinammon sticks in water on the stove, that will neutralize pretty much your whole house (Friend had a chest freezer full of meat, went on vacation, came back and the compressor had failed on their chest freezer. Costly problem!) On those LED lamps, if they put an MOV just past the 200R resistor, with a high enough voltage, could pop the 200R resistor as a fuse to protect the LEDs?
About 10 o'clock one night my house was filled with a nasty acrid smell, I ran around everywhere trying to find it, unsuccessfully I shut off the electricity to the whole house and went to bed. Next morning I still couldn't narrow it down, the smell wasn't as bad and I was getting ready to call an electrician. Around 6 o'clock that evening my wife turned on a lamp and there was a bang and the smell was immediately there, yes it was one of those bloody awful lamps. I chucked the whole lamp in the bin, problem solved!
what are you ??? alien ??? teach me
We smell too when we die
what happened to your hand man?
What they could have done here is they could have just had the capacitor(s) (with discharge resistor), a resistor and put the LEDs in series with that. The LEDs would be in an anti-parallel configuration. They would operate at twice the current, but yet only half the time. Of course, if one LED goes open circuit, then the whole thing will stop lighting.
I disagree with you. I think the caps are at fault.
Because the failure mode of ceramic capacitors is a short. So they put 240VAC mains rectified on the LEDs.
that could lead to them burning violently…
I also have similar led lamps and in the dark when they are switched off there is a glow from them. Is this the fitting or the lamp themselves. Old filament lights didnt do this .Any thoughts
I was forced to watch a 2 and a half minute ad to watch this video. Does youtube hate us?
Hi Clive, could you please elaborate on the logic of you saying that if one serial chain of LEDS goes open-circuit the current on the other serial chain that is in parallel to the first one doubles? Everything that I know about circuits tells me that will not happen unless the terminal voltage itself suddenly doubles.